Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

The Days of His Presence

Francis Frangipane

Francis Frangipane (Charisma House)

At times popular books about Bible prophecy can be sensationalistic and unbalanced. Francis Frangipane’s work is neither. Instead of evoking fear, the author—also founder of River of Life Ministries—instills hope amid tumult.

Frangipane discusses the movement of the Holy Spirit in the 21st century, citing the explosive growth of Pentecostal Christianity in China, Latin America and nations in Africa. He explains that the final work of the Holy Spirit is to disseminate the message of the gospel worldwide and notes that approximately 2.3 billion Christians now inhabit the globe.

Though this work is indeed about eschatology (or “last things”), it refrains from being unduly speculative. Frangipane provides an overview of biblical prophecy that he contends has been fulfilled in modern times: the restoration of Israel in 1948, as well as the proliferation of knowledge (think Information Age) and travel as cited in the Old Testament book of Daniel.

Frangipane educates readers about signs, visions and dreams, documenting his personal experiences, while grounding these phenomena in scriptural reality. He notes that signs are pointers to something bigger—namely, Christ.

The author writes in anticipation of what the Puritans referred to as the “manifest presence of Christ” and a Third Great Awakening at this point in history. This intriguing work will appeal to those interested in not only Bible prophecy, but also spiritual growth.

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