Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Phil Cooke

Phil Cooke

(Thomas Nelson)

Author and media consultant Phil Cooke challenges you to think about your life’s calling in One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do.

Alhough this is appropriate reading for young adult readers considering a college major or career choice, Cooke’s primary target is anyone frustrated with the path his life has taken. Cooke believes that finding “the one thing” is the key to fulfillment.

The TV producer opens his latest book by asking probing questions about destiny and purpose, insisting that while you may have many talents and interests, in general you should focus on a single defining idea that reflects in every other facet of your life. For example, though Apple co-founder Steve Jobs invented many devices, they all served as his “one big thing”—or purpose—of making computer use easy and fun.

One Big Thing transitions into a more practical section with strategies to find your purpose. Cooke emphasizes that you must truly know yourself, your motivations and what makes you unique. Your calling may not be your unsold novel or screenplay but an extension of something you’re already doing because others recognize your abilities.

The final section discusses how to pursue your calling in the face of criticism, failure and other obstacles. The keys are to understand your goal, to know what to risk and to turn your weaknesses into advantages. Cooke draws from his experience with pastors, ministries and faith-based nonprofit organizations to make this an engaging read.

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