Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Francis Chan and Mark Beuving (David C. Cook)

Francis Chan’s newest title, Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples seems at first to be a straightforward book about the imperative for making disciples of Jesus and fulfilling the Great Commission. But as you delve further into the book, it switches gears and becomes an instruction manual to a basic understanding of Scripture—with material that could be used to make disciples (including study questions and links to video commentary with Chan and pastor/author David Platt).

As you continue through the book, it occurs to you that this is a marvelous holistic presentation of the gospel. And then it comes back full circle to making disciples. So which is it: A) A book about the importance of discipleship? B) A guide to understanding the Scriptures? C) An excellent introduction to Christianity? 

The answer is: D) All of the above.

Multiply makes evident that a holistic presentation of the gospel cannot be separated from an exhortation to both evangelize and make disciples. Chan and Mark Beuving demonstrate from Genesis to Revelation how God planned to create a people for Himself, how He had a plan from the beginning to remedy humanity’s fall through Jesus, and how His followers have a part in that plan.

The Old Testament prophesies of the coming of both a perfect savior and king; the New Testament demonstrates how salvation was accomplished and how Jesus now comes to the world through the church as it proclaims the Good News.

Regardless of how Multiply is categorized, it is an exceptional teaching resource on many levels.

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