Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Father, Son and the Other One

Jeff Kennedy (Passio)

In our modern society, we’re armed with gadgets and filled with good intentions. We pull out all the bells and whistles, but the end result is Spirit-less innovation. So says Jeff Kennedy, author of Father, Son and the Other One, which puts a spotlight on how American Christians relate to the Holy Spirit.

Keeping it simple, down to earth and humorous at times, Kennedy helps believers identify three areas in which they can experience the Holy Spirit as a transforming, empowering reality in their lives.

Kennedy identifies the problem, arguing that the Western version of Christianity must go beyond bells and whistles and begin to see the Spirit as a Person who wants to walk closely with us through life.
Kennedy then addresses the Spirit’s work in the world and church today. He examines the effects of an attitude common in contemporary society: becoming more focused on life’s personal pursuits and interests than the state of one’s spiritual life.

By the book’s third part, readers are faced with a serious question: “How do I embrace a life in the Spirit today?” Receiving the Spirit’s fullness by faith, Kennedy says, is the missing link to experiencing a fully ignited life. By proving this, Kennedy makes Father, Son and the Other One a definitive guide to the character, personhood and work of the Holy Spirit to this generation. —Will Bolden

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