Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Angels are For Real

In Angels Are for Real: Inspiring, True Stories and Biblical Answers, Judith MacNutt—a clinical psychologist and practitioner of healing prayer—introduces readers to the ministry of angels in healing and in everyday life.

She discusses the creation, nature and role of angels based on biblical accounts and draws from personal experience—hers and others—of angelic activity.

Reaching back to 500 A.D., MacNutt explores the nine orders of angels as described by theologian-philosopher Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, including familiar guardian angels, the archangel Gabriel and the more obscure throne and dominion angels. She discusses the shape and size of angels, and explains that their wings or the lack thereof is dependent on God’s purpose, not on an angel’s performance.

MacNutt aims to broaden readers’ understanding and appreciation of angels by showing God’s purpose for them. Readers may find the illustrations of angelic encounters inspiring and be encouraged to see how God uses angels as His helping hands.

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