7 More Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

7 Reasons Christians Should Believe in Divine Healing

13. Divine healing is a testament to God’s unchanging nature. Scripture affirms that God does not change and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8). If we see God’s healing power at work in the Bible, it stands to reason that He continues to heal today, because His nature and character remain unchanged.

14. It encourages believers in their faith. In my experience, divine healing is an extraordinary means to elevate corporate and individual faith. Experiencing or witnessing divine healing can uplift one’s faith, encouraging a deeper trust in God and His provisions. This aspect of healing highlights its value as a physical remedy and as a spiritual catalyst, promoting spiritual growth, increasing reliance on God and fostering a more intimate relationship with Him. In this way, divine healing serves a dual purpose: It addresses immediate physical needs and nurtures long-term spiritual development.

Common Arguments Challenging the Concept of Divine Healing

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Arguments often include questions such as “If you believe in God’s healing power, why not empty all hospitals?” or “Why aren’t all individuals who are prayed for healed?” These inquiries, however, overlook the complexity of healing’s integration with atonement. A similar line of questioning could be applied to salvation: “Why isn’t everyone preached to instantly saved?” or “Why can’t a preacher bring salvation to an entire stadium of people at once?” These questions highlight the nuanced nature of both salvation and healing. Some argue that Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12 was a physical ailment. Yet contextually, it appears more as a metaphor for a “messenger of Satan” causing disturbances, such as riots and hardships, akin to Old Testament descriptions of adversaries as “thorns.”

This does not imply that illness equates to being out of God’s will or sin any more than emotional or mental distress does. Many Christians live fulfilling lives despite physical disabilities, achieving great things not because of but despite their conditions. 

The interplay of salvation and accompanying physical healing is complex, involving factors such as forgiveness (Mark 11:25-26), the collective faith of a community (1 Cor. 11:17-34), personal belief (Matt. 9:27-31, Mark 9:23), individual openness to healing (John 5:6) and God’s sovereign will and timing for His ultimate purpose and glory.

The book of Job and John 9:1-7 illustrate that God’s reasons for allowing suffering and the timing of healing are often beyond human comprehension, aimed at revealing divine truths or to manifest His glory. This underscores the importance of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit when praying for healing and discerning underlying issues for more effective ministry.

Finally, while God generally desires health for us, the manifestation of healing is a divine mystery, influenced by a myriad of human and spiritual variables. The promise of a lifespan (Ps. 90:10) does not preclude God’s sovereign decision to allow departures from this earthly life for reasons within His omniscience.

Dr. Joseph Mattera is an internationally known author, consultant and theologian whose mission is to influence leaders who influence culture. He is the founding pastor of Resurrection Church and leads several organizations, including the U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and Christ Covenant Coalition.

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