Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why the Left Is Determined to Silence Patriotic Activist Brigitte Gabriel

You may know Brigitte Gabriel as a passionate, patriotic spokesperson and author who is standing for American rights. You may not know, though, that her passion to see Americans stand for their rights comes first from the persecution she faced as a Christian in Lebanon. And yet the left is determined to keep her quiet and label her message as hate speech.

Gabriel is the founder of ACT for America and the author of Rise, which I’m proud to have published through Charisma House. In the book, she issues a bold wake-up call to America and exposes the people, organizations and forces at work to dismantle our Judeo-Christian values and freedoms. Left unchecked, these powers can destabilize and destroy our national security as well as radically redefine our very way of life. Her message may be strong, but I believe it’s one our culture desperately needs to hear right now. You can click here to purchase your own copy of her book.

I recently appeared on The Jim Bakker Show, where Jim, his wife, Lori, and I discussed Gabriel being censored by social media last August. Facebook removed a comment she posted about the dangers of a Muslim terrorist who was released in New Mexico. When Gabriel asked why they removed her post, they said they considered her comment about terrorism to be hate speech. And on top of that, YouTube placed a strike on ACT for America for a video posted in 2012.

You can listen to a clip of our discussion by clicking here or clicking on the podcast icon in this article. On his show, Jim shared how horrified he was at how the left has treated Gabriel.

“Brigitte Gabriel is being persecuted,” he said. “It’s unbelievable. They’re asking her to be banned from going to any churches and speaking.”

This attack intensified several months ago when Fellowship Church of Winter Springs, Florida, had Gabriel speak at a church event. Charisma News reported that the following day, Gabriel was also scheduled to speak at the Brevard County Government Complex. But when CAIR (the Council for American-Islamic Relations) found out, they sent letters to the Brevard County Commissioners and to Roger Diaz, pastor of Fellow Church.

CAIR requested that they:

1) disassociate from ACT for America in the same way they would from any other hate group (KKK or neo-Nazi), 2) familiarize the Board of County Commissioners with ACT for America’s status as an anti-Muslim hate group, 3) drop ACT for America’s events from the Fellowship Church and Brevard County Government Complex and 4) refuse to attend such bigoted events with ACT for America’s director or staff.

Thankfully, neither the church nor Brevard County caved to the liberal pressure.

Many of us who are conservative Christians are no longer shocked by the left’s attacks. After all, extremely liberal groups seek to undermine conservative voices like Gabriel’s all the time.

What’s interesting, though, is that CAIR has been labeled a terrorist group. They may call Gabriel’s message hate speech and label her an Islamophobe, but Gabriel is just speaking the truth. She’s one of the few voices willing to say enough is enough.

Gabriel responded to CAIR’s attack by calling Christians across the U.S. to rise up and defend their rights to free speech.

“This is a time where churches need to stand up and speak the truth about what’s happening in our country,” Gabriel told Charisma News. “If we the people, if we Christians in this country are not going to stand up and speak about the difficult issues, who else is going to speak about the difficult issues? Our nation was founded on Christian principles, and right now, we are watching these principles be assaulted, be assessed, be completely erased from our school system, from our public institutions. And if we don’t stand up and speak in defense of those foundations, who else will? What kind of country will we leave for our children?”

Gabriel raises a valid question—a question every American must answer. Will we stand for our rights? Or will we simply watch as the left continues to use scare tactics to intimidate and silence us?

If you’re determined to speak up for your rights as a Christian and an American, share this article on your social media. And don’t forget to listen to the Bakkers’ discussion with me by clicking here or scrolling to the top of this article.

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