Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Why Christians Need to Pray Over Democrats’ Calls to Impeach Trump

It seems like the calls to impeach Donald Trump are louder than ever—which means God’s people need to pray even louder. Every day, people find something new to throw at our president. The latest is the phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine. The left claims that Trump conspired with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky against Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Though many are saying what Trump did is illegal, others—like me—have a hard time seeing what was wrong with what Trump did. And in some ways, it’s ironic, because Biden, who is now running for president, did what the left is accusing Trump of but in an extreme way. In fact, Biden put pressure on Ukraine to do something wrong.

Biden’s son Hunter made a lot of money sitting on the board of a powerful Ukrainian oil company called Burisma Holdings. Meanwhile, his father was a point person of sorts for the Obama administration regarding oil exploration in Ukraine. Hunter Biden never had anything to do with Ukraine or the oil industry before that point. But suddenly, he was on the board making lots of money.

Because the situation was suspicious, a prosecutor in Ukraine named Viktor Shokin began looking into it. So Joe Biden started putting pressure on the Ukrainians. He basically told them that if they didn’t fire Shokin within the next six hours, the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in aid. Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani say Biden’s motivation in doing this was to protect his son.

Unfortunately, Ukraine caved to Biden’s pressure. But now Trump is trying to stamp out corruption. In my opinion, Trump was telling the Ukrainian president that he should look into this issue with Hunter Biden. But you read the transcript for yourself and decide what you think.

It’s almost as if the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump simply because they don’t like him. Some people have said it’s almost like a coup. I believe this whole issue with Ukraine will blow over, and I think that despite all the mud the left is throwing at him, Trump is going to win the 2020 election. But it’s still important for conservative Christians to speak up now and pray for our president.

There are a lot of people who think Trump is guilty simply because he’s being accused of these wild things. They did the same thing with Brett Kavanaugh when they hurled accusations at him that have no evidence behind them.

My friend Doug Wead—who has worked in the political arena for many years, including with George H.W. Bush when he was president—says the deep state impacts much of our politics. Wead has given me a great deal of insider information when it comes to Washington, and I use much of that information in my new book, God, Donald Trump and the 2020 Election. Wead knows how Washington’s establishment views Christians—and it’s a very real reason to pray. If we want to see God’s will done in the political sphere, we have to look at our politics through a spiritual lens.

The Bible says to pray for those in authority so we may live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness (1 Tim. 2:2). Elsewhere it says to seek God first, and these things will be added to you (Matt. 6:33). In the Bible, God promises that “if My people … will … pray … and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). It’s hard to document and measure spiritual things, but millions of people have been praying in groups large and small, believing for a shift in the very serious situation in America.

One prayer warrior named Mary Colbert started the daily National Prayer Call in 2016, making her one of the earliest voices urging believers to pray for Trump. The movement she started has not diminished since Trump’s election. Her preelection prayer conference calls reached as many as 100,000 people, and frequently she had to turn away listeners because the conference call was too full. Now, to continue to bring as many people as possible together in prayer, Mary has set up a new system of having local spiritually vetted leaders run conference calls in their community. There are already 25 of these new hosts, called nation builders, setting up prayer calls, and the number continues to grow. The calls emphasize praying for those in leadership, whether here in the U.S. or abroad. (Visit for more information on her prayer calls!)

But Colbert isn’t the only believer rising up in intercession in this hour. Pastor John Kilpatrick told me he also believes Christians must pray to stop “what the enemy is doing. It’s as if Satan has done everything to keep a born-again experience away from this generation. It’s going to take a moving of the Holy Spirit, and I believe we’re getting close to it.” Kilpatrick says he’s not a “Trump man,” but he prays for him regularly and believes a coming spiritual renewal depends on his being reelected.

Kilpatrick believes we are experiencing “spiritual warfare for the soul of this nation,” and he says “it’s time to quit discussing things about the president. It’s time to quit discussing what’s going on in Washington—it’s time to start praying. The people of God need to pray right now.”

The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). So we can pray, but we must work, and we must vote. God’s people are called to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16). We must be like the gentle Jesus even as we fight battles for the soul of our nation.

So I encourage you to get registered to vote, if you haven’t already, and encourage others to do so. Get involved in your local community, and help turn the tide. I believe there is hope for the future. But we must act now.

Be sure to listen to my podcast on the “Strang Report,” where I discuss my views on this matter more in depth. Click here to listen! {eoa}

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