Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why 10,000 Americans Rallied for Trump This Week

More than 10,000 people cheered for Trump at a political rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Monday, the eve of Super Tuesday. I wasn’t able to attend the rally myself, but a friend of mine named Benjamin McGuire attended the event with his wife, Christen, and told me all about it on my podcast.

Benjamin—who is chief engineer at C3 Studios—tells me it was an incredible experience to see thousands of people enthusiastic about Trump. He even compared it to a football game as he described students in the parking lot celebrating with a tailgate party. Benjamin met many people at the rally who used to be Democrats or who didn’t vote at all in the last election but who are now eager to vote for Trump.

“I found one guy who didn’t vote at all,” he says. “But he’s supporting Trump now because Trump did what he said. He didn’t think he would, but the fact that [Trump] was ‘promises made, promises kept’ with all the Supreme Court justices, standing up for religious rights and standing up for life—that right there converted him to be a gung-ho Trump supporter.”

My experience echoes what Benjamin tells me. I’ve met many people who are becoming Trump supporters because they’ve seen him follow through on his campaign promises—not something you see too often in politics.

Benjamin describes another woman he met who was from Cuba. She was passionately supporting Trump because she saw socialism firsthand in Cuba. She knows the evils that socialism can bring to a country. And she knows Trump will stand against the socialism Democrats are touting today.

“I interviewed one fellow who [used to be] a Bernie bro,” Benjamin says. “He ended up voting for Trump, but he was a Bernie bro at first until he really started listening to Bernie and thought, How is this going to be paid for? It just didn’t make sense to him and then that’s when his dad, who was well-versed in history, was able to talk some sense into him.”

One thing that stood out to Benjamin at the rally was the intense sense of patriotism among Trump’s supporters. He says that when Obama was in office, patriotism seemed to go down in the nation, especially with Obama apologizing to other nations for the U.S. and taking a “lead from behind” approach. But now with Trump in office, Benjamin says, he sees a greater sense of pride in being an American.

“People love America, and Trump has helped bring industry back to America,” he says. “I was talking to one person who said, ‘Hey, I used to work in furniture, and all the furniture plants went away and all the furniture companies went away, so I started working with electronics and all that went away. But under Trump, all that stuff is coming back.’ All that stuff is coming back, and he has so much work now. He really appreciates all that Trump is doing for the working people.”

Benjamin says the Democrats used to pride themselves on being the party of the working class, but things have shifted. Now, it’s as if they present themselves as the party of illegal immigration and widespread abortion.

With such ideals infiltrating the Democratic Party, it’s no wonder so many people are turning to Trump. As Benjamin interviewed various people at the rally, he saw a common theme: gratitude.

“All of them have a story,” he says. “I asked them, ‘Hey, what are you most thankful about Trump?’ And they said, ‘We’re thankful that he’s standing up for us. We’re thankful that he’s bringing the jobs back. We’re thankful that he is pro-life and he’s trying to stop the bloodshed. We’re thankful that he’s stopping human trafficking. We’re thankful for all this.’ I didn’t even ask them if any of them were Christians. But they said, ‘We’re thankful that he stands up for Jesus. He stands up for believers.'”

I must say, those are the same things I’m thankful for regarding Trump as well. To listen to my full conversation with Benjamin about his time at the Charlotte Trump rally, click here!

To read more about the issues America is dealing with in the upcoming election, be sure to check out my new book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election. The book is available anywhere books are sold. If you want a signed copy, order from our website

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