Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Want to Make a Difference? Support Rick Santorum

The National
Religious Broadcasters convention ended this week in Nashville, Tenn. For
me it was a productive and busy time connecting with authors, talking business
and making new contacts. The buzz on the floor this year was The Harbinger,
which has been on the New York Times best-seller list
for seven straight weeks. Author Jonathan Cahn was there to do media interviews
and sign books.

But the other buzz was about the
presidential election. Everywhere I turned people were talking about it. Since
NRB tends to be conservative, it’s not a surprise that most of the attendees
feel President Obama is taking the nation in the wrong direction. A lot of
people asked me whom I was backing.

About a month ago I wrote a blog
endorsing Sen. Rick Santorum who is, I believe, the truest conservative and
someone I consider “squeaky clean.” I was interviewed on the PBS program Religion & Ethics and they wanted to know why I
didn’t endorse the other candidates. For Mitt Romney I’m concerned about how
he’s flip-flopped. And I’m wary of the fact that he’s Mormon (although that
doesn’t prevent me from voting for him—it only makes it more difficult). And
with Newt Gingrich I’m concerned his many moral
failures (which he says he has repented of and I don’t doubt that’s true) shows
a deep character flaw. But Rick Santorum has a good record, projects the image
of a leader and has strong Christian values.

My endorsement was widely circulated
and the PBS program has a large following, but I doubt my support did much
good. Santorum came in third in Florida. To me, I was mainly making a point
that I wanted to back someone my friend Florida representative Scott Plakon says is as clean as a “Boy Scout.”

What a difference a month makes in
politics. Since then Santorum has won several primaries and is now ahead in the
polls. And at NRB it seemed everyone I talked to is supporting him. It’s as if
a lot of people feel as I do—we want a leader with conservative values,
voting records and strong moral values. The biggest
difference is that people are beginning to believe he can win!

So if you are turned off to
politics, don’t read any farther. But if you want to be part of a grass-roots
movement, this blog is my attempt to use whatever influence I have to rally my
readers to vote for Santorum, to influence your friends to support him, and to
put your money where your mouth is and support him financially.

It’s well known Romney has a
money-machine backing him. Yet his place in the polls has stayed about the same
as one contender after another has become the “not Mitt” candidate of
choice. This is a very odd election and maybe Romney will emerge as the one who
wins the Republican nomination. He certainly won my state’s primary in a big
way on Jan. 31.

But I believe we have a chance to
make a difference by getting behind Santorum. People are turning out in droves
to hear him speak. One such place, which we reported on in early February was
Oral Roberts University’s campus where he drew a huge crowd on Feb. 9. This weekend he’s speaking in Chattanooga,
Tenn. A good friend Mark West helped organize the event and sent me
two press releases, linked here and here, when I told him I wanted to urge any of my readers within
driving distance of the event to attend on Sat., Feb. 25 from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. It will be hosted at Abba’s House located at 5208 Hixson Pike in Hixson,
Tenn. It’s the largest church sanctuary in Chattanooga and they are expecting a
big crowd.

disclosure: I won’t be there. I’ll be in Orlando. But I will send someone to
cover it and we’ll write a news story about it on Charisma News.

far Santorum has raised several million dollars from “little people”
sending in $25 and $50. But now it’s time to step up the fundraising. The
maximum anyone can give is $2,500 per person. I’ve given that and I’m reaching
out to others who can also give or ask others to give that amount. The easiest
way is to go to and to note the tracking number: 1177 to show you read this
blog. Any amount you give
will make a big statement that you feel Santorum is the best candidate to face
Obama and that you want to show your support financially.

I invite you to read these
two press releases and to leave your comments below. I hope you feel as I do
that Rick Santorum is the best qualified candidate for president and that with
grass-roots support from people like you and me that he can be elected president
this November.

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