Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Through ‘Carols at the Capitol,’ Jesus Finds His Way Into the Halls of Government

It’s that time of year when we Christians focus on the birth of our Savior. Christmas carols are one of my favorite parts of the season.

I was fascinated when I received links from my friend, Dan Cummins, pastor of Capitol Worship in Washington, D.C. We have written about him before concerning his efforts with Washington Man of Prayer. This event has been going on for the last few years and is making a real impact.

Dan and his wife, JoAnn, have spent the past seven years ministering to Congress members on Capitol Hill.

This year, the Cumminses, along with their worship pastor, Steve Amerson, presented a wonderful Christmas concert held at the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., called “Carols in the Capitol.” Senate Chaplain Barry Black and House of Representatives Chaplain Patrick Conroy also performed during the event.

In an era where it seems as though religious expression of every type is under attack, I’m encouraged that in our halls of government, there are those who still sing hosannas to the newborn babe.

“In a policy-driven, partisan-volatile environment, the key to effective ministry to this unique ministry target of 535 members of Congress (and 18,000 Hill staff) is to gain their trust through time-tested relationships,” Cummins said. “This involves hours in congressional hallways, thousands of handwritten prayer notes, countless personal prayers with members as they run to and from votes. We have gained the trust of many members on both sides of the aisle who confidently know we have no policy or political agenda. They know we love them and are there to pray for them.”

Steve, whom I’ve known for many years, is one of the best tenors I’ve ever heard. During “Carols at the Capitol,” he performed an entire medley of songs. You can click here and watch the 1.5-hour concert that includes not only Steve but also the LU Praise choir from Liberty University.

Also check out Steve’s stirring rendition of the song, “Where Else Would a Lamb be Born?” Perhaps you saw it on Fox and Friends, even so, I believe it will touch your heart to watch it again.

By sharing this Christmas concert and this beautiful music, I wish to say to all the readers of the Strang Report, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” May all God’s blessings be with you at this wonderful time of year.

As always, please share this with your social media friends. {eoa}

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