Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
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I wish you could have experienced the powerful connections that
took place recently at our headquarters near Orlando, Fla., with high
level ministry and business leaders. It illustrated the “power of
connection,” which to me is important since I am a “networker”
by nature.

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Graham Power, a successful Christian businessman from South Africa
who founded the Global Day of Prayer, shared from his rich experience
in the marketplace and in ministry. He taught on principles of
leadership and living out one’s calling as a believer in the business
world in a program he calls “Unashamably Ethical.” Click
to listen to an interview
with Power.

We also had time to talk in a confidential round-table setting
about some of the opportunities and challenges we were facing in our
different situations, share ideas, offer counsel and of course pray
together. We all left encouraged and equipped. The emails I’ve been
getting have told how much they got as members of the new Ministry21

M21 Network (as we sometimes call it)
is a relational network bringing together like-minded pastors and
leaders to develop their own leadership skills, connect them with
others, provide needed coaching, continuing education and wonderful

So far we have about 250 members. About half are pastors; the
others are business leaders, some of them over huge organizations. Members
range from young leaders eager to learn and who long for mentoring
to seasoned leaders—both men and women—who want to give back to
others or who long for a “peer group” where they can experience
“iron sharpening iron.”

This is one of the most important new projects I’m working on. The
other day I mentioned M21 to three Facebook friends. They were
interested so I forwarded some information and they all three joined!
It reminded me that before we send out eblasts to thousands of
possible members, I should ask those who have signed up for my own
Strang Report, including those who are on my personal contact list of
more than 7,000 names. If this network doesn’t apply to you, at least
you’ll know what is my latest venture. Or can you forward this email
to someone who would benefit? But read on. Many of you will
understand, as I do, the power of connection.

First, let me tell you more about the networking meeting last
week. The gathering brought together members of two groups that play
an important part in my life.

One is my small invitation-only “CEO group” of business and
ministry leaders I have been a part of for 10 years. It provides
accountability and what the Bible calls “iron sharpening iron”
for a small group of high-net worth business and ministry leaders
I’ve met with for the past 10 years. The other was our annual
“networking meeting” that included a writing seminar and an
evening of fellowship going to a fancy Turkish restaurant and a
cruise on the historic St. Johns River near here, where we counted
more than 100 alligators! (This is to let you know the network isn’t
all serious but we have fun too).

My CEO group has proven invaluable as a place for discussing
important issues I’m dealing with both in business and my personal
life, with men I know care about me, who have come to understand me
and will keep everything in total confidence. More than once I’ve
avoided a bad decision because of their counsel. And they have walked
with me through difficult situations.

The blessings I have experienced in this
setting are what led me to establish the Ministry21 Network
to offer a similar forum for others in ministry and business. I know
how much I grew by being mentored by godly men and so I’m happy to
“give back.” And I would like to extend a hand to you.

I’m not a pastor, so there are some issues I don’t deal with.
But I do have influence in the Spirit-filled community; I have a
record of starting successful enterprises. And I feel called to serve
God and the church by helping to grow churches and pastors. I know
business leaders appreciate learning from pastors who join and the
pastors seem to enjoy interacting with successful business people.

I’ve felt this call since I started Ministry Today (then
Ministries) in 1983. It’s grown to 20,000 in circulation.
Our goal is to make the magazine relevant to pastors and serve the
Spirit-filled community in the way no other publication can do. We
also want help them navigate all the uncertainty in the church and

But times have changed; magazines have changed. People don’t just
want to read these days, they want to connect. We want to help you do
that. Here are some of the benefits of joining the Ministry21

Conference calls with national leaders
These regular conference calls give you the chance to ask
questions and dialogue with national leaders like Reinhard Bonnke,
Jack Hayford, Robert Morris and others. We also discuss practical
insights on issues you face like music ministry, youth ministry,
church growth, church finances, counseling, problem-solving,
vision-casting and more.

Online resources
A collection of articles, videos and audio recordings from our
speakers and other members is available on our online resource page.
All conference calls and webinars are recorded and added, so if you
miss anything you can access it online later. But there are a few
free samples on our Ministry21 Network website. (The one on dealing
with sexual issues by Dr. Doug Weiss is especially good.)

Coaching, mentoring and connecting
We can link you with other network members that can provide
coaching on issues you face as well as connect you with members that
need coaching in your area of expertise. Be a mentor and be mentored
by leaders who have been in your shoes before. (We had confidential
round table discussions at the network meetings last week which some
said was the best part of the meeting! And my vision is to use
Skype-type of technology to have these meetings regularly for

Online forums
Connect with other members, post questions or join discussions and
share sermons on a private networking site for Ministry21 members
only. The application form you click on below asks for information to
give you access to this.

Free books and subscriptions
We’ll send you four top-notch books a year. What a way to
learn more and to build your library! Receive an annual subscription
Charisma and Ministry Today magazines
to keep you up-to-date with what God is doing in the Spirit-filled
As soon as you join, we’ll rush you your first book—Perry
Stone’s Dreams and Visions,
which came out recently and is one of Walmart’s best-selling
inspirational books this month. You’ll also get the newest Charisma
that has a cover story on “the Church’s Gay Dilemma.” In
addition, you’ll get
the latest Ministry

with Mike
Bickle as guest editor! And as I share below, one of the added
incentives is a DVD teaching series worth $49 by Bonnke, in which he
answers your questions and reveals those same biblical principles
that propelled him to become one of today’s leading soul-winners.

Receive discounts
on any books published by Charisma Media, as well as special pricing
at seminars and conferences we co-sponsor, such as Dr. Mark Rutland’s
National Institute of Christian Leadership.

Media, writing and marketing tips
Learn about media relations, branding, writing techniques and how
to author a book. You can listen to the “Getting Started As a
Writer” seminar I hosted last week with several of my key staff.
There have also been webinars and marketing in the past that are
online as well.

All of this is available for just $150 a year. The books and
magazine subscriptions alone are worth that much and writing seminars
are worth that much—not to mention Bonnke’s Full Flame
DVD series worth $49!

But the other benefits could be priceless. Some of the Ministry21
Network members who joined with my CEO group here at our Charisma
Media offices the other week reminded me of that as they expressed
how helpful the time together had been. Figuring out the answer to a
thorny problem is priceless.

One really good idea may be the most important of your life. Or
the special relationships you will forge might help prevent a
shipwreck down the line or be valuable to help you if you ever find
yourself shipwrecked.

Leadership development. Connecting with others. Accountability.
Coaching. All with a goal of growing you; growing your church and
helping you be successful in every area of life.

I would love for you to join the Ministry21 Network and tap into
the rich resources available. You can sign up by clicking on the link
below. Do it today.


Steve Strang
Founder M21 Network
CEO, Charisma Media

P.S. Remember you get a money-back guarantee if you aren’t happy
for any reason, so what risk is there? The two magazine
subscriptions, the four books and the Reinhard Bonnke Full Flame DVD
series total more than the price you pay! Plus, what is the value of
one idea or one relationship that is there when you need it?

If you honestly can’t afford it, we ask you to pay what you can
afford and if you qualify we’ll give a limited number of scholarships
to make up the difference. Click here to find out more.

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