Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Latest on Donald Trump and God’s Purposes

In my book, God and Donald Trump, I made certain I did not portray Trump as holier than he is. He’s a flawed leader, as he will acknowledge. But I believe something supernatural happened and that God has raised up this unlikely man to lead our nation—much as he used Persian King Cyrus in the book of Isaiah to get the children of Israel back to Jerusalem.

Of course, this is not the view of the mainstream media. They seem to savage him at every turn. Yet the president stands up to them and the attacks don’t seem to bother him. He also dishes it back, as anyone who has followed his Twitter feed knows.

President Trump recently handed out the 2017 “Fake News Awards” for the 11 most irresponsible examples of reporting. The headlines, ranging from ice cream to pecan pie, bordered on—if not crossed—the ridiculous. Trump’s “favorite” media outlet, CNN, garnered four of the awards.

But long before last week’s awards, Donald Trump was calling out those who just plain didn’t get the story straight, even on the campaign trail. And his boldness resonated with voters, which I wrote about in my book God and Donald Trump.

I had the privilege of being a guest on Fox & Friends this past Sunday, and in my short interview, I said that when then-candidate Trump began responding to his critics at all hours of the day and night on Twitter, he surprised and embarrassed a lot of his detractors, tweeting strongly worded comments no one had expected.

He had already waged highly publicized verbal battles with Meryl Streep and other celebrities such as Rosie O’Donnell and Oprah Winfrey, but this would be an altogether different kind of war. With a level of technical savvy uncommon for a man of his generation, Trump was able to counterattack within minutes whenever his opponents made scurrilous charges against him. This was something new, and it delighted his fans and the public at large, even as it infuriated the increasingly volatile resistance.

Before long, Trump was a serial tweeter, and he provided the media with some riveting sound bites. Not everyone, of course, was thrilled by this new development. Liberal news organizations compiled exhaustive catalogs of Trump’s tweets to show how insensitive, ignorant and wrongheaded he could be. They couldn’t ignore his tweets, and they followed them faithfully, hoping to catch him in some word or deed that would be his undoing.

I deal with this in my book, trying to help the reader see that God is using Trump to stand up to many forces in our culture that I believe are ungodly. I personally believe Trump feels a sense of destiny and that’s why he ran for president.

The question is: Can God use imperfect leaders? Yes, absolutely. Take a look at the lives of Moses, David or the apostle Paul in the Bible.

I admire the strong leadership the president provides and for the amazing things already accomplished, such as nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, rolling back many onerous regulations and cutting taxes. Trump’s use of Twitter gave him a way around the mainstream media and his political opponents who had been getting free access to the media and were able to insult and demean him with impunity. Suddenly, those same people were being held accountable in real time, and news hawks on both sides didn’t want to miss a word of it.

“Trump hasn’t slowed his Twitter storm since moving into the White House,” I wrote in my book. “At one point he had said there would have been ‘ZERO chance of winning WH’ if he had relied on the ‘Fake News’ being churned out by the mainstream media. But his candid and unfiltered Twitter feeds helped turn the tables on his foes.”

My book is not an apologetic for Trump. He certainly doesn’t need my help. But I try to help the reader see there’s more to this complex man than most media portray, and that God is using him, even with his imperfections.

I’m thankful that the book is selling well and has been on the ECPA Bestsellers lists since the first month of release. I know many of my newsletter readers have read the book. Thank you for the feedback. I urge you to read it, if you haven’t already, and then give it a five-star rating on!

For more information on God and Donald Trump visit and view the book’s video. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and order the book.

As always, leave your comments. Do you agree with my assessment? And share this on social media. {eoa}

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