Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What I’m Thankful for This Thanksgiving

All of us who live in America have so much to be thankful for. I’m especially thankful not only for material blessings but spiritual ones, as well as a wonderful family and a great team at Charisma Media.

In thinking about Thanksgiving, I tweeted this today: “Thank God for a leader like @RealDonaldTrump. Also for positive response to my book ‘God and Donald Trump.'” 

Steve tweet

I have sent signed copies of God and Donald Trump to friends whom I hope will hand-deliver a copy to the president. I encourage you to buy a copy at either your local bookstore or online at or Please visit the website to download a free chapter.

My heart is also full of gratitude for the many Charisma readers and people in Central Florida who gave generously to our Bless Israel event Sunday, which I wrote about on Monday.

I recently did three podcasts—one with Blake Lorenz, whose vision was to hold the Bless Israel event and who also invited me to be the keynote speaker; one with Mel Hoelzle, founder of Ezra International; and one with his colleague Gary Christofaro, my longtime friend. Stay tuned to the Strang Report and for those podcasts.

My three podcast guests were very appreciative of the generosity of our readers and the people at the event. The lives of the approximately 400 people we will help make aliyah will be forever changed by moving to Israel.

I pray God’s blessing upon each of our readers. I hope you have a wonderful time with family and friends this Thanksgiving and remember to thank the Lord for all His blessings. {eoa}

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