Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

We must not allow the Iranian regime to develop and use nuclear weapons.
Not since Adolf Hitler has a world tyrant posed as grave a danger to the Jewish people as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. His proclamation that Israel should be wiped off the face of the map is a threat no peace-loving people can take lightly. The International Atomic Energy Agency has reported Iran to the United Nations Security Council—an important step in the international effort to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. As President George W. Bush said in his State of the Union address in January, “The nations of the world must not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons.”

John Hagee writes in his new book, Jerusalem Countdown, that the nuclear storm clouds are gathering over Iran and Israel, casting a long shadow on America and other nations. He gives shocking information about an impending war.

A longtime supporter of Israel, Hagee received word last year that unless Iran is stopped, Israel will make a pre-emptive strike between April and September of this year. In his book, which sold more than 500,000 copies in the first 60 days after its release, he analyzes what this means in light of Bible prophecy.

Hagee encourages Christians who believe that the Word of God commands us to bless Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem to stand with Israel as never before. He says: “Those nations who align with God’s purposes will receive His blessing. Those who follow a policy of opposition to God’s purposes will receive the swift and severe judgment of God without limitation.”

I had the honor of working closely with Hagee in the formation of Christians United for Israel in February. It’s an effort to call Christians to action at a time when Israel faces grave danger from an Islamic madman.

In March the Jewish community in central Florida sponsored an event called “Stop Iran Now.” Its purpose was to rally the Jewish community to speak up to prevent another Holocaust, but they also invited Christians and others who want to do everything in their power to stop jihadists and other anti-Semitic dictators. My wife and I were privileged to attend to show our support.

I was motivated that night to sound the alarm beyond the central Florida community. So I’m urging the hundreds of thousands of Charisma readers to get involved and do what you can to influence policy to stop Iran.

Rabbi Aaron Rubinger, organizer of the event, wrote: “The time is now for the international community to focus on this threat, and apply available means to have Iran conform with its obligations as a member state of the United Nations before worldwide instability and loss of life occurs. It is critical that our voices, expressing loving concern for Israel, be heard by both our people in Israel as well as our U.S. government officials.”

Here’s what you can do:

1. Be informed. Read Hagee’s book (available at www.strang to understand the situation from a biblical perspective. Go to Web sites such as that of the Jerusalem Post ( or of our local Jewish community to find out about upcoming events (
2. Support the Jewish community by expressing your concern, attending rallies and writing to the editor of your newspaper.
3. Affiliate with organizations that stand for Israel. Check out the new Christians United for Israel Web site ( to see what Hagee and the organization are doing.
4. In addition to writing to legislators, take time to urge world leaders to join in an international effort to halt the Iranian threat before it’s too late. Write to President Bush (, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel (president of the European Union). In the subject line write: “Stop Iranian Nuclear Threat Now.” For sample letters, go to, or
5. Finally, pray. As believers, we know we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (see Eph. 6:12). Pray for God to bring peace. And pray that He will help you to become an instrument of it throughout the world.

Stephen Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. To read past columns in Charisma by Stephen Strang, log on at

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