Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Say ‘Happy Birthday, Jesus’ With a Gift for a Child in Haiti

Give Danita's Children a Merry Christmas with your gift.

If you’re like me, you will spend a lot on Christmas gifts for family and friends. But what about a gift for Jesus?

He said when we do it for one of the least of these, we do it as unto Him. Here’s a way you can give a gift for a poor child and say, “Happy Birthday, Jesus.”

In years past, we’ve raised money to give to the poor. We haven’t done it for several years, but I decided to devote my column to a particular cause in the December issue of Charisma, and many have already responded.

This year we are raising money for gifts for children in Haiti. Most of them will get nothing without your generosity. As you know, Haiti was hard-hit by Hurricane Matthew in early October, and there are obviously many needs.

We are partnering with Danita Estrella Watts of Hope for Haiti. We’ve raised enough for her to buy about 600 gifts for the children of about $10 each. With your help, we would like to provide gifts for 1,000 children.

Recently, I did a podcast about this Christmas project with Danita. Her ministry, Hope for Haiti, was given a huge boost 15 years ago when we wrote an article in Charisma about how as a single woman, she tried to help orphans in Haiti with virtually no support. Our readers generously donated more than $80,000, which turned out to be the seed money to help her get started.

Today, Hope for Haiti Children’s Center houses more than 100 orphans and provides education to more than 300 children. More than 18,000 meals are provided each month through the feeding program that employs 13 full-time missionaries and more than 80 staff members.

We know Danita’s ministry and its integrity. We will send her 100 percent of what we raise, and she will spend it all on giving gifts to children who otherwise have nothing. Those gifts might be toys, pairs of shoes or something else they need. These gifts will brighten their lives and let them know someone in America cared enough to send them.

Our company will also give generously, but we can’t do it alone. Please add your bountiful gifts, knowing that the children will benefit entirely from your kindness and care. Danita told me this allows them to give to children outside their ministry—and to share the love of Jesus in the surrounding community.

Please make out your tax-deductible checks to Christmas for Danita’s Children, c/o Christian Life Missions, 600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746. You can also give during business hours by calling 407-333-0600, ext. 5100. Online, you can give via PayPal at

During this Christmas season, remember again if you do this to one of the least of these, you’ve done it as unto Christ. What a wonderful way to say, “Happy Birthday, Jesus” and “Merry Christmas.” {eoa}


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