Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

RT Kendall: America Is Under Judgment, and Only Awakening Can Save Us

We’ve heard it enough in 2020 that it’s become cliché: We live in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic, racial unrest and a contentious presidential race have all contributed to the chaos of this year.

Unlike many others, renowned pastor and theologian Dr. R.T. Kendall believes God is behind all this, and with good reason: “America is under judgment,” he said.

Kendall’s new book, We’ve Never Been This Way Before, details this judgment and why it’s happening through the biblical lens of Joshua leading the people of Israel into the promised land. “God is fed up, and He is angry,” Kendall said. He sees four reasons for the judgment on America: “racism, legalized abortions, same-sex marriage and theological liberalism in the pulpits.”

But Kendall also sees hope. “God is at the bottom of it, but it’s gracious judgment,” he said. “And it means that He’s trying to get our attention. It’s not retributive judgment, where a God just gets even and punishes. No, He’s been gracious to get our attention, to drive us to our knees, and it will end up with America crying out like they’ve never done before.

“And God will answer,” Kendall said. “And it’s my view, the only thing that will save us will be this awakening, not unlike what we saw in the 18th century under the preaching of people like Jonathan Edwards or the Cane Ridge Revival in the early 19th century. We’re talking about something huge—not ordinary revival—something that gets the attention of the world.”

Kendall shared a brief story from Joshua 5 to point out a critical need in our nation. “As Joshua entered the promised land, he saw this awesome figure, which happened to be an angel. And Joshua said, ‘Are you for us, or for our adversaries?’ And the figure, which happened to be an angel, said, ‘Neither.’

“Well, that was not the answer Joshua wanted,” Kendall said. “And what we need to learn about God, and what has been forgotten, is that He is a God of glory, and He does things for His own glory. Jonathan Edwards, who is the main figure in the great awakening of the 18th century, used to say, ‘The one thing that the devil cannot duplicate in us is a love for the glory of God. The flesh cannot produce it; only God can do it.’

“And Joshua was learning that we do not have any entitlement,” Kendall said. He added, “The curse of our generation, in my opinion, is a feeling of entitlement. And the idea is that we can snap our fingers and expect God to jump. There is no fear of God in the world today; there’s no fear of God in the nation. There is little, if any, fear of God in the church, and that will be restored. And that is what the angel was saying to Joshua. And I think what we need to learn, and what is going to bring about this great awakening is a restoration of the fear of God; that’s my conviction. That is the need of the hour.”

To hear more of Dr. R.T. Kendall’s wisdom on our nation’s current situation and how we can move into the awakening God desires, click here to listen to this episode of The Strang Report on the Charisma Podcast Network. And don’t forget to check out his brand-new book, We’ve Never Been This Way Before for even more biblical, practical help on navigating the way forward. In fact, I hope you’ll not only buy his book but share this podcast and article with anyone who needs to hear and heed this powerful message. {eoa}

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