Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Don’t Let Judges Parent for You


My good friend Michael Farris has been a real advocate for parental rights. He is founding president and current chancellor of Patrick Henry College, which is training young lawyers from a Christian worldview.

Angered by recent court decisions that have chipped away at parental rights, Farris helped craft H.J. Res. 42, also known as the Parental Rights Amendment, which was filed last week by 71 members of the House.

In 2008, nearly every federal court dealing with parental rights used a lower level decision to declare that parental rights were not a fundamental right. And the threat of international law has been looming as more and more decisions are reached based on global laws. Michael believes that we must stand up for parental rights before it’s too late.

About 12 years ago Michael stood in front of most of the major conservative leaders in this country and urged them to back the federal constitutional amendment on marriage. They said it was a good idea but that they had to wait until the problem was acute to bring it up. Michael told me: “We waited, and we waited too long. I see the same thing happening in the arena of parental rights. I decided I would not let the same thing happen here. I will not wait until it’s too late.”

The Parental Rights Amendment follows the pattern of the Bill of Rights. It would protect the existing laws and traditions from being struck down by a few judges.  It would also change parental rights from implied rights, based on judicial opinions to expressed rights, founded on the constitution’s language.

A recent poll has shown that most Americans want to keep parental decisions in the hands of the family and not judges or international law.  Even President Obama has said that “in the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a mother or father.”

I would urge every single one of you to go to to see if your U.S. representative is one of the co-sponsors.  If not, call today and urge him or her to become a co-sponsor. If your representative is a co-sponsor, do not call, write a short note of thanks instead.

Also please sign the online petition on the Web site so you can continue to receive alerts about this issue.   H.J. Res. 42 will be introduced into the Senate shortly and then we’ll need to do another calling blitz.

The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is coming up rapidly. By signing up for the alerts on you will be able to help kill this dangerous treaty as well.


I’m supporting this issue. I hope you will too.


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