Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mike Lindell Says the Cancel Culture Is Stealing Our First Amendment Rights, but We Must Not Live in Fear

America was founded by those who spoke out for what they believed. Our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers traveled across the Atlantic to find a place where they could express their views, particularly their religious ones, without fear of reprisal. And the Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment to further protect our rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

But MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says today’s cancel culture has effectively canceled those First Amendment rights. He and his company have experienced this cancelation firsthand: first because of his championing of former President Donald Trump and then over his consistent pursuit of election integrity. But none of this intimidates him, and he intends to press forward in the pursuit of truth and liberty.

I had the opportunity to see Mike Lindell’s amazing operation in Minnesota and hear his story in an extensive interview for the feature article I wrote for Charisma magazine in January, which you can read here. But the cancel culture now seeks to blot out his company, his story and his many accomplishments.

Lindell says of the 22 major retailers who have canceled MyPillow along with shopping channels QVC and HSN, “I’m not taking them back. They made their choice. I’ve told them; I talked to them before this happened. I said, ‘These are bots and trolls. These are attack groups that have come out to cancel you out. They’re not your real customers anyway … these aren’t real people. And they didn’t listen, and they all just piled on, out of fear that they were going to get boycotted.”

And Lindell is fighting back. “I’ve hired investigators,” he says. “These are the best in the world, and they’re going to out who hired the hit jobs … somebody’s behind the cancel culture.”

Lindell adds that Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo have canceled both him and his company “in a big way.” The secular media had long ridiculed him for his strong support of Trump, he says, but as he started investigating potential election fraud, the attacks increased.

“Every time I put up evidence anywhere, it got taken down … and I got attacked, and none of the outlets would put it out there,” he says. After the Feb. 5 release of his documentary on election integrity, Absolute Proof, he says, he faced threats from the makers of the voting machines, who “decided they would sue people or bully people into being afraid they were going to get sued. So that cancel culture—what that did, they canceled our First Amendment right of free speech. … news outlets were afraid to have me on.”

Lindell believes the attacks on MyPillow not only have no merit but will also hurt his 2,500 employees, many of whom come out of backgrounds of addiction like Lindell himself. But in addition to new products and new avenues of sales for MyPillow, he is busy planning the launch of his own social media platform, “Frank.”

“I have all kinds of plans to show to people out there,” he says. “I became kind of the hub of a wheel, where God’s put me in this position, blessed me with this huge platform and notoriety. We can’t give in to this, especially the cancel culture.”

And Lindell has a word of advice: “People need to fear one thing, that’s fear of the Lord. You cannot live in fear anymore.”

For much more from Mike Lindell on how to keep the cancel culture from canceling your First Amendment rights and forcing you to live in fear rather than faith, listen to this entire episode of the Strang Report podcast here, and like and share with your friends who want to know the truth behind all the negative headlines. Subscribe to the Strang Report on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform. {eoa}

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