Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mike Bickle Believes Trump Presidency Will Open Doors for a Great Awakening in America

In an interview with International House of Prayer’s Mike Bickle for my new book God and Donald Trump, something he said specifically caught my attention. I really liked the line that he and others had prayed that “God would send somebody, but we had nobody specific in mind.”

I’ve made the point that God answered prayer in a way few Christians would have recognized and with a man few Christians approved of. In fact, Donald Trump wasn’t Bickle’s first choice for president of the United States, he explained. But, he added, if Trump was elected last fall, so be it.

Using Daniel 2:20-21 as his confirmation, Bickle is certain God had his hand in Trump’s election as our 45th president. The passage reads, “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. It is he who changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding.”

When orchestrating prayer for the election and the country, which would affect millions through the International House of Prayer network, Bickle asked intercessors to ask God to “send the right people to every level of government.”

“We just said, ‘Lord, please establish the right people in the right places,'” Bickle said. “When it came to Trump and Hillary, we knew that Hillary would be a disaster for us beyond measure and would set us back far. … The fact that he [Trump] emerged and beat Hillary was a great, great joy to us, and it showed the Lord’s favor upon our nation.”

Although Bickle sees Trump more as a “reprieve” than a long-term answer for America, he does believe his election as president will open the door for a much-needed Great Awakening in the church, which will lead to a great harvest of souls.

“The fruit of it is going to bless America for sure,” Bickle said.

Click here for my interview with Bickle, which we edited into a podcast, for God and Donald Trump.

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