Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Leading the World From Korea (Video)

Note from Steve Strang: Attending this meeting of leaders was a great honor. Please read my commentary on what I learned.  I took the opportunity to bring home “flip camera” interviews with about half of the participants representing churches and ministries around the world.  Each one is only 2-3 minutes but gives you more information about that ministry.  If you view several or all of them, you’ll begin to get a feel for what is happening around the world—and that is my goal.

Come back to this site as we will be adding more commentary on some of the ministries from parts of the world where there is persecution—especially in the Muslim world.  We will also put up other videos and other materials from my trip in March that I believe will inform, inspire and minister to you.

Host Dr. Elias Dantas talks about vision for Korea meeting

Africa:· Paul Gitwazav on church in Rwanda

Asia:·Shelton Davidson on his 80K members in Mumbai, India

Europe:· Peter Wenz on his church–the largest·in Germany

Australia:· Mark Connor on CityLife Church in Melbourne, Australia

South America: J. M. Rodriguez on his 20K church in Cali,Colombia.

Brent McBurney, President of Advocates International

Tricia Neill, CEO of Alpha Course in the UK

Don Stephons on vision of Mercy Ships

Josh Lingel on ministry to Muslims

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