Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

I Need Your Help to Show God’s Healing Love to the Nation in a Film


In the past I’ve written in my Strang Report about my vision to create a documentary on the untold story of what is happening in the aftermath of the tragic death of Trayvon Martin. The film will show the world how God’s church is coming together to bring healing and reconciliation in the midst of this tragedy.

We’ve already started work and I created this “trailer” sharing the vision. Below is a mailing we sent out this week asking Christians to help by donating any amount you can afford. Please consider doing these three things:

1. Visit the campaign page, watch the trailer and make a tax-deductible donation.

2. Use Facebook, Twitter, email and your phone to ask your friends, family and churches to support this project.

3. Pray that we meet these goals, and that the film will be used to bring the message of God’s love and healing to our nation.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Steve Strang

Nothing has brought the issues of racism and justice to the forefront like the tragic death in February of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. This story is close to home for us because it happened only 2.3 miles from our offices.

The mainstream media has been full of rallies, protests and hateful rhetoric, unrest, and confusion. We were stunned to learn that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were holding rallies here. 
But there’s a side to what’s happening in Sanford that is not being covered. It’s a story of healing and restoration. It is a story of church leaders, both black and white from all backgrounds coming together to seek restoration and find unity through God’s love.
What is happening in Sanford shows God at work and it may have implications for your community and your church. That’s because what happened in Sanford could happen anywhere. Unfortunately, unless someone documents this story, the lessons learned in Sanford may be lost. 

Our vision is to produce a beautiful, in-depth documentary that covers this story as it progresses. The film will show the world how God’s church is coming together to bring healing and reconciliation in the midst of this tragedy. 

Won’t you help us bring peace and healing to this area and our nation. Please click here and make a donation to the making of this important film today.

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