Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How a Prophetic Word Led a Broke Christian Businessman to Miraculous Success

There often seems to be a divide in the church between business and ministry. But successful Christian businesspeople like Ray Pinson show that God cares about every aspect of our lives, including our careers. Ray has seen God work miracles in his business, and he listens to the Holy Spirit in every step of his entrepreneurial journey. In fact, it was a prophetic word that Ray received when he was almost broke that eventually led his business to success.

Ray and I are good friends, so I know that not only is he the successful founder of OPIN Systems, but he’s also a deeply spiritual person. I interviewed him about the prophetic word he received on my “Strang Report” podcast, which you can listen to here or in this article. He told me that when he first started his software company back in the 1980s, he had accrued a million dollars, which he thought would be enough. But as time went on, his business wasn’t growing enough and his money was dwindling.

“The day finally came and I thought, OK, it’s half-gone. What am I going to do?” Ray says. “So I spent all day long [in the woods] seeking God. … I was kind of getting desperate for the Lord to speak to me at that point because He had said nothing all day long. … Finally, as the sun was setting and I was getting too chilly to stay out much longer, the Lord spoke to me very clearly. He said, ‘Why do you keep asking the wrong question?’ And in the Spirit, the Lord showed me that I was asking Him what His will was for me, and He wanted to show me that He was the Father.”

As the Lord kept speaking to Ray, He revealed His Father’s heart for him in all areas of his life, including his business. Ray felt the Lord tell him that He delighted in giving him the desires of his heart.

Ray told the Lord, “I really want this business to succeed. I don’t want to run out of money, and I don’t want to live in fear.”

The Holy Spirit responded to Ray, saying, “I will give you the desire of your heart. Consider it done. You will be successful; you’ll make it. But I tell you, this will be harder work than you ever imagined. It’s not a hobby; it’s not a game. This is not for fun. If you’re serious, I’m serious—that you’re going to have to work harder and do things you don’t want to do. … But I, the Lord, promise you success.”

That same day, the Lord also told him to keep selling his stock. Two weeks later, the worst stock market drop in history occurred. Had Ray waited to sell his stock until he felt more secure, he would’ve run completely out of money, he says.

That prophetic word changed Ray’s life. He began to work much harder, but things didn’t turn around as quickly as he thought they would.

A year and a half after he received that word, he ran out of money.

“The day came when I was in church, and the basket was being passed,” Ray tells me. “I had no folding money. I had nothing in the checking account. I was literally down to the change in my pocket—I had a quarter and a dime.”

Ray placed his quarter in the offering plate. But then the pastor did something he had never done before—he took up a second offering.

“My dime also went into the offering that day,” Ray says. “I walked out free. I was completely broke, and I knew whatever happened next, I was just in the hands of God. I literally felt free.”

At the end of that month, Ray’s business turned its first profit and was profitable every month for the next 10 years.

“God is faithful, and He knows the future,” he says. “So a miracle happened that day in September 1987, when I cried out to God and I said, ‘Lord, this is the desire of my heart.’ And I would say to every businessperson—man or woman, wherever you are—the key thing is to say, ‘God, what are You speaking into the deepest recesses of my soul? How did you transform my DNA to make me fit for this particular calling?'”

Ray says this is the attitude every Christian businessperson must take. Instead of viewing God as a boss, Christians must view Him as their Father.

“Although asking God for wisdom is always desirable, don’t ask the wrong question,” Ray says. “Ask the right question: ‘God, will you give me the desire of my heart? Am I on track?’ And then move ahead.”

I was so inspired by Ray’s journey with the Lord and his heart to hear from God. That’s the attitude I want to take as I lead my company, and I hope every businessperson does the same.

Be sure to listen to the interview to hear Ray share deep secrets to hearing from God for your business. And if this article encouraged you, share it on your social media and bless someone today!

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