Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Historic Revivalist Claudio Freidzon: Massive Revival Will Come When We Do This

Claudio Freidzon

Dr. Claudio Freidzon sees revival springing up all over the world as he travels and preaches—but he’s believing for something even bigger. You may know Claudio as one of the main spiritual leaders God raised up during Argentina’s massive revival in the 1980s and 1990s. He now pastors a powerful church in Buenos Aires called Iglesia Rey de Reyes (King of Kings Church).

But Claudio’s legacy goes beyond Argentina’s revival. Many may not realize that Claudio actually played a significant role in the Toronto Blessing. In November 1993, John and Carol Arnott heard about the Argentinian revival and flew down to receive an impartation. They visited services of several revivalists, including Hector Gimenez, Carlos Annacondia and Claudio Freidzon.

The way John tells the story, Carol was so overcome with the Spirit, she couldn’t walk. And in one of the services, Claudio singled John out and said, “Do you want the anointing?” When John replied yes, Claudio said, “Then take it!” and slapped John’s outstretched hands.

After that powerful encounter, John and Carol went back to their church in Toronto and saw a revival bigger than they could’ve imagined.

I had the opportunity to interview Claudio recently at Heidi Baker’s Live to Love conference in Orlando, Florida. He told me he sees revival blazing in hungry continents like South America and Africa. And although he doesn’t see the same level of hunger in North America, he is praying, believing and challenging American believers to make this generation the one that sees a massive move of God.

“Every time I come here in North America, I have that kind of challenge and expectation to see in this generation the great move of God—with people coming to churches with a new hunger to listen to the Word of God,” he says.

But Claudio says that all hinges on one goal: Seek and save the one.

“The people have to pray that in their families and every neighborhood and every house of their neighborhood, one house and one family will receive Jesus as Savior and be born again,” Claudio says. “That’s the prayer. And if we have in each house of the neighborhood people who are totally changed by the Holy Spirit and are born again, something will happen in the country.”

The United States has certainly seen pockets of revival lately. Just look at Greenville, Tennessee; Cane Ridge in Bourbon County, Kentucky; Corpus Christi, Texas; and Dawsonville, Georgia. But Claudio is right—it’s not enough. We need more of the Spirit in this nation.

For that reason, I encourage you to listen to my entire interview with Claudio below. I believe his words will refresh and inspire you to receive more of the Holy Spirit and His power in your life. If you hunger for God to awaken this nation, share this article on your social media and inspire someone else toward revival.

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