Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

‘God and Donald Trump’ Receives Strong Reviews as Media Tour Continues

Early signs on my new book, God and Donald Trump, which released last Tuesday, are encouraging.

I have been participating in a media tour this week to promote the book. I first appeared on The 700 Club, which I wrote about earlier. And in the days to follow, in New York, I was interviewed by Todd Starnes (start at around the 29:20 mark) and Eric Metaxas (that interview will air Monday, Nov. 13 during the first hour of the show between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. ET). Today, I appeared with Lauren Green of Fox News on her program, Spirited Debate.

There seems to be a lot of interest about why I even wrote the book. As I have written before,  I wanted to put on the record the supernatural aspect of this president’s election and, also, how God is involved in the affairs of man in this important time in our nation’s history.

On Amazon, the book got as high as No. 121 out of all books sold. It goes up and down almost by the hour. Early signs in some of the stores are also good.

But it would help get the book to chart on the best-seller list if I got some of my friends and followers to buy the book this weekend. Sometimes, a relatively few sales in an important book store goes a long way in charting those numbers. The book is available nearly everywhere books are sold. Both Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club took a huge number, but it is also at Barnes & Noble and most Christian book stores.

On Amazon, I have been getting some really good reviews and I invite you, if you’ve read the book, to add yours to the ones that are there.

It was an honor to appear on the show with Lauren Green, the Fox News Channel chief religion correspondent and anchor. She reiterated what many of my previous interviewers had—that Trump seemed like an unlikely person to win the presidency—and asked how I saw God fitting into all this. I told her that, as a Christian, I believe God is sovereign, and that He answered the prayers of Christians who were praying for our country to reverse the direction in which it was headed.

I tell people the book is no apologetic for Trump, and I don’t try to make him seem more holy than he is. But I do believe there has been some kind of change in his life in the last 10 years, and I believe that he is sincere.

I believe Americans should give him the benefit of the doubt. With the stock market booming, tax cuts on the horizon, and him negotiating better deals with our trade partners, I believe Donald Trump already accomplished a great deal despite what some pundits say.

I encourage you to click on this link to watch the interview with Lauren Green. I’ll also mention that recently, when I was in Colorado, I was on with Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt, who has a ministry called PINJ. He is the chaplain who was booted out of the Navy for refusing to not pray in Jesus name.

We taped the interview when I was in Colorado Springs and he ran it this week. I believe it was one of the most in-depth interviews I’ve done, and you can watch it here.

Thanks to all of you who have purchased the book, placed reviews or posted encouraging words. Writing a major book like this is a new experience for me, and I am humbled by the response the book is beginning to receive.

I encourage you to buy a copy at either your local bookstore or online at, or Please visit the website to download a free chapter.

As always, please share this with your social media followers and leave your comments below. I would really like to hear what you think of the book. {eoa}

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