Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Frank Amedia: Murderous Spirit That Came Against Moses, Jesus Now Attacking Kavanaugh

The nation is buzzing with news and opinions regarding Brett Kavanaugh and his hearing this week. People are quick to share their political points of view on either side, but perhaps what we need most right now is to know what’s going on in the spiritual realm.

To get a spiritual perspective on the issue, I interviewed my friend Pastor Frank Amedia on my “Strang Report” podcast. Frank was the first person I knew who said God told him Donald Trump would become president. At that time, I was supporting Ted Cruz, so although I thought Frank’s word was interesting, I wasn’t sure how Trump could possibly win. It turns out that Frank—and several others, including prophet Chuck Pierce and firefighter Mark Taylor—were right.

Frank doesn’t mince his words when he describes what’s really happening in the nation right now regarding Kavanaugh.

“This is clearly about abortion,” he told me in our interview. “This is clearly about the life of the unborn child. This is clearly about the same murderous spirit that took over when Moses was being born and Pharaoh declared that all the Hebrew boys would be destroyed.”

Frank says the enemy tried to kill all the baby boys when Moses was born—and later on, Jesus—because he was trying to thwart God’s chosen deliverer. He sees our country as a light into the world and says this past election was an opportunity to overturn the curse on this land against the unborn.

“Now they’re attempting, that same spirit, to remove the deliverance that could come to the country,” Frank says. “… And it’s also very clear that it’s the same Jezebel spirit [working] with Ahab that was working through Hillary, and now it’s jumped on Dianne Feinstein.”

Frank says the Lord warned him about how intense this political battle would get.

“Last Thursday, I prophesied and said we need to hunker down and get ready,” he says. “There are going to be two, three, maybe four more volleys thrown at this man as they continue to delay. And the Lord said, ‘Tell My people, tell My senators to galvanize, to get strong as steel, not to move, and to push through, and watch what I will do.'”

And that’s exactly what Frank is trying to do. He and his prayer organization, POTUS Shield, are going to war with the enemy to raise a spiritual shield over this nation. You can join Frank’s prayer call tonight at 8:30 p.m. EST (and future prayer calls) by texting the word “POTUSSHIELD” to the number 313131. When you do that, you will get a text with all the information you need to join the call.

Several prophetic and apostolic leaders will be joining Frank in prayer tonight, including Cindy Jacobs, Lance Wallnau, Jerry Boykin and Harry Jackson.

“We’re praying for these senators not to weaken,” Frank says. “We’re praying for Kavanaugh to stay strong—and he is staying strong right now.”

Frank still holds to the prophetic word God gave him that Trump would drastically change the Supreme Court.

“That was the promise God gave us on Nov. 9, at 3:30 in the morning,” Frank says. “… And the Lord prophesied, ‘Put up the shield. Son, call the people. Set up the shield. I will change the court. I will put three new justices in there, and I will transform the laws of this nation and I will transform this court system and clean it.'”

I interviewed Frank about that prophetic word in my book God and Donald Trump, and I interviewed him again for the sequel, Trump Aftershock, which releases Nov. 6. In Trump Aftershock, I take a journalistic look at Trump’s presidency and what he’s set into motion. My premise is that if Trump’s election was an earthquake, then all the things he’s done since then—putting Neil Gorsuch in the Supreme Court, defending Christians in North Korea, and moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem—are the aftershocks.

But although I acknowledge the good Trump has done so far, I don’t ignore the hard truths. I deal honestly with his flaws, his mistakes and his checkered past. But I see a big difference in Trump; I don’t think he’s the same man he used to be. And if God can use an ungodly king like Cyrus from Babylon, can’t He use a flawed businessman like Trump to do His will for the U.S.?

My hope is that people will discover in Trump Aftershock a fresh look at Trump’s presidency that the leftist media are not willing to take. Early signs indicate the book will do well, but I need your help to make sure as many people read this message as possible. Click here to pre-order the book now on Amazon and share this article with your friends to spread the word! Also visit to learn more about the book and download a couple chapters free.

Listen to my podcast below to hear how Frank believes the church must respond to the accusations against Kavanaugh in this hour.

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