Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dutch Sheets Says We Must ‘Make Our Stand in the Spirit’ Through Prayer for Valid Election Results

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets (Charisma Magazine Archives)

Intercessor Dutch Sheets agrees with what many Christians are saying about the ongoing battle over the results of Tuesday’s presidential election: We must pray. But he also says that, weeks before the election, God gave him an additional word that has particular relevance in view of the massive voter fraud that seems to have taken place: This is a spiritual battle and, as such, must be fought in the Spirit to maintain the victory God has already given.

Sheets spent time before the election traveling across the country to mobilize prayer. He says that even then, he had a premonition that “this wasn’t going to end on Election Day, that there was coming a great war in the Spirit—and for the soul of our nation—after the vote.”

Sheets says God told him, “Don’t start over; you don’t have to win again. … because of the prayers leading up to that election, you have established a position of victory. Now, don’t turn this over to man or to humans; don’t give control back to them. Through your prayers, through your spiritual warfare, you have maintained My position in the Spirit, and I’ve given you the victory. Now, don’t stop praying and turn this over to the courts, to the legal system. Don’t do that. Keep it in the Spirit realm. And if you do maintain your position spiritually, you will win this war.”

Sheets also pointed to the many prophecies, a number of which we published on Charisma News, that God wants to give President Trump another term. And other voices are echoing what the Lord told him, he says. “We have trusted voices that are saying that we need to stand on the word of the Lord and say, ‘Hey, we started this thing in the Spirit through prayer; we’re not going to turn it over to the natural now.’ And even though the courts will be involved, and people will be involved … we’re praying and making our stand that they don’t have the final say. God has the final say. And He’s using our prayers. And we’re going to maintain that position. And so I’m releasing prayers every day.”

Sheets’ ministry has a popular prayer app called Give Him 15 that more than 600,000 people have downloaded, and through this app, he says, “Tens of thousands of people can be praying and decreeing the same thing over this nation every day. And we’re turning this over completely now to this election process and just keeping people aware: This is what’s happening. This is what the prophets are saying. This is what I’m hearing in the Spirit. This is how we need to pray. If we maintain our stand and our prayers, we will win this battle.

“This is going to be overturned,” Sheets adds. “And President Trump is going to be put back in office for four years. God has begun a turnaround in this nation. He’s not going to stop it now. He has promised us that he’s recalibrating this nation. He’s resetting this nation; a third Great Awakening is coming. We’re moving back into our destiny as a nation.”

Sheets is encouraging the praying church to “not grow weary and give up or just by default lose this because we just sit back now that the election is over and let the courts take care of it,” he says. “No, we have to push this thing through all the way. This is a real test for the church. But I believe there’s a remnant army out there is not going to let this go.”

For more from Dutch Sheets about how we can continue to battle in the Spirit for the true victory God has promised, listen to the entire episode of the Strang Report podcast here. And be sure to share it with anyone who will join in this crucial time of spiritual warfare. {eoa}

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