Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Christian Media Must Be a Light to This Dark World

It is the duty of the Christian media to report on the persecution of God's children worldwide.

In a world where technology is allowing instant communication, it seems the role of the media is heightened in the conflict between the Kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of this world has a voice through the secular media, which has an ungodly worldview and bias. What’s the role of Christian media? Often we are the ones who report what other media ignore.

One such topic is the plight of Christians who are being persecuted and even killed in various parts of the world. Recently I obtained some exclusive interviews with leaders from Muslim countries and will report some surprising news in my Strang Report next week.

Meanwhile, the persecution has reached such an elevated level that the United Nations is considering a resolution next month decrying the persecution. Leading up to that will be what amounts to hearings from Christian leaders on April 17. I’ve been invited to speak on the topic: “The role of the media—or lack of it—in highlighting the plight of the persecuted church in the Middle East.”

On Saturday, April 11 at noon, I’m speaking at a luncheon in Oakland, California, on the role of the media and the church. It is a part of The Gatekeepers Worship and Prayer Summit hosted by Pastor Pat Chen and Pastors Wendy and Steve Nation. The conference will deal with all seven mountains in society that believers must deal with: education, government, arts and entertainment, business, family, media and religion.

You can learn more from their website. If you can travel to Oakland, I hope you can attend the entire conference where Pastor Chen is challenging people: “Let’s encourage each other (that no matter if you’re living in what appears to be impossible situations) to believe the Word of the Lord that, “nothing is Impossible with God.” That is also the theme of the conference. There will be many other good speakers including Kelly Wright of Fox News.

If you can’t attend all of it, drive in for my luncheon and be sure to introduce yourself to me!

Here are some of the themes I’ll touch upon:

 1. Why do Christians need a media property?

* Overwhelming voice given to darkness

* Secular media not encouraging or uplifting

* If it bleeds, it leads

* Charisma brings light into the darkness

2. Charisma’s voice is motivated to inspire people to become change agents in the world.

* Secular media bias teaches living life independent of God

* Words of life drive out words of destruction

3. The news of the world is edited to persuade more than inform.

* We are told how we should feel about a story or a political party. The bias of media is intentional and constant.

* We inform the Saints as we equip them.

4. Our mission is not necessarily to convert seekers.

* We are a voice in the wilderness as our words are distributed through others.

* We inform, teach, remind, persuade, exhort, explain, encourage and report the Christian condition.

5. As we eye the future, we are concerned about America’s path.

* We will continue to exhort Christians to “finish the race.”

Steve Strang is the founding editor and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @sstrang or Facebook (stephenestrang).

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