Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Christian Firm Stands Up to Vaccine Mandate

Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel have faced some tough issues before, but this one is, Staver says, the toughest they have ever faced in their 30-year-plus history.

I was stunned when Staver told me that his office has been inundated with calls from individuals who are being forced to choose between taking the vaccine or losing their jobs. He says the volume of calls is unprecedented compared to anything his organization has come up against.

The ministry is receiving 300 to 500 requests a day for legal help regarding mandates to get the COVID shots. They are conducting telephone conferences each day and have over 500 people participating in these calls. Staver says they have spoken with over 15,000 people requesting help just in the last few weeks, falling into three categories—employment, schools and the military.

“This is an unprecedented time since we founded Liberty Counsel and we’ve never seen anything like this,” Staver says. “And it is very emotional because we are getting people calling that are very desperate. They have either been terminated, or their termination date comes up in the next few days. Universities are telling the students they can’t return to school. Some of them have only one semester to finish.

“Then we have men and women in the military that have been dragged before JAG (Judge Advocate General) to face possible dishonorable discharges if they don’t get the shots. It is unbelievable. We’re getting a lot of religious exemptions across the country, but the volume, again, is unprecedented.”

And while Liberty Counsel is undoubtedly giving 100 percent to its clients, Staver says the situation has become “overwhelming and emotionally draining” for its staff. “Our people are on the phone every minute of every day,” Staver says. “You can’t get away from the cries for help because, literally, they ring in your ears.”

Staver told me one story about a man who refused to get the COVID shots, and he has been told that if he doesn’t, he will be terminated. He is the sole source of income for his family and, if he loses his job, he loses his insurance. His wife has multiple sclerosis.

He also told me of people that will be removed from dialysis because they don’t want to get the shots, and people who have been removed from the kidney transplant list. In both cases, that could lead to a death sentence.

Yet another story he told me was of a nurse in her 40s, a single mother who is one semester away from getting her degree to advance her career. She has been told that she must take the shot to graduate in December or she will fail the program.

“It’s just unbelievable pressure on these people,” Staver says.

It’s sad, and it’s horrifying to think what these employers and these schools are doing to people simply because they refuse to take the shot due to their personal convictions. Is any of this lawful? Is this the America that we want to live in? Is this the type of future we have to look toward?

If you have been put in an awkward situation like the people above, there is hope, and Liberty Counsel wants to help. Please visit and click on the Legal Help tab. Staver encourages you to fill out the form and watch the video. There are some religious exemption letters there too. You can also go to for much more information on COVID and the COVID shots.

Thank God for people like the Stavers and organizations like Liberty Counsel, who are fighting for our constitutional rights as Americans.

Click here to listen to the rest of this informative Strang Report interview with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel. Share it with your friends and social media followers and let’s form the army that God desires to help us take back our nation. Subscribe to the Strang Report on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform for more inspiring stories like this one. {eoa}

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