Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Urgent Call to Prayer for Donald Trump

The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities (see Eph. 6:12). Those who are spiritually discerning realize that much of the chaos happening in our country, and many of the attacks against our president, are spiritual in nature. This is actually something I deal with in my new book, God and Donald Trump, which will release Nov. 7.

Ray Moore, a Baptist pastor from South Carolina who was heavily involved with the Trump campaign, recently contacted me. He granted me an interview for my book and also provided a great deal of interesting behind-the-scenes information about Trump’s victory in South Carolina. He cited the concerns of many conservatives that there may be plots to harm the president. Of course, it is well known that certain people want to remove him from office through impeachment or other means.

No matter what your political persuasion, we are commanded to pray for those in authority over us so we can live good and peaceful lives (see 1 Tim. 2:1-4). So it is only right that we pray, and Ray felt we should extend a call to the body of Christ to intercede for President Trump at this time.

Of course, the idea that President Trump is in danger is only speculation. And if the Lord answers our prayers and nothing happens, we will never know the extent of what evil could have befallen him. But I have enough confidence in Ray that I wanted him to share his concerns with you in this podcast, which you can listen to below.

He and I had an interesting conversation about the ongoing spiritual warfare related to the current administration and how the people of God can pray in unity for our nation and for our president.

This blog and this podcast are my way to ask those who have a ministry of intercession to join with me—and with others—to pray for our president.

Will you agree with me in prayer? Please leave your comments below. {eoa}


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