Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Apostle John Eckhardt Encourages Budding Christian Authors to Write, Write, Write

Many people are gifted writers or have an idea for a book, but they don’t know where to start. Apostle John Eckhardt from Chicago recently hosted a very informative writers seminar, part of which I attended. He then recorded a podcast with me, encouraging people to write.

I’m always astounded at how much interest there is in writing. I have led writers seminars myself, but I had never attended anything like Apostle Eckhardt’s. It was held in our own Charisma Media building, and more than 300 people came. Attendance was standing room only, and the energy was tremendous.

Apostle Eckhardt is one of our best-selling authors. We’ve had a very good working relationship with him on a number of books, the most well-known being Prayers That Rout Demons. During the seminar, he actually preached to the audience—the opposite of a dry writers seminar. Eckhardt presented a biblical perspective on writing, pointing out that in Scripture, men and women of God were writers. They didn’t simply teach and preach and pray or prophesy. They influenced future generations through what they wrote.

He told people that the word “author” is actually short for “authority,” and writing something actually makes you more of an authority on that subject. If you don’t write it down or somebody doesn’t write it about you, he explained, what has happened will never influence other people and will be forever lost after you die.

Apostle Eckhardt gave an example of a woman preacher in Chicago who was widely used of God in miracles of healings and deeply impacted both him and his wife. However, she wrote practically nothing, and no one wrote about her. Twenty years after her death, no one knows the great things God did through her life.

Listen to the podcast to get some of Apostle Eckhardt’s very practical advice. He says to just “Write, write, write.” Get your thoughts down on paper, he recommends, and later, you can organize them and perhaps work with an editor. He said many people already have a good start in their own journals and diaries.

Technology has changed so that almost anyone can be a writer—if not for a book, then an e-book or perhaps a blog. There are many outlets now that are open to anyone. The problem is that everyone has the same opportunities, and so it can be difficult to stand out. This is where great writing, great branding and a great following help you get your message out.

Apostle Eckhardt is an example of someone who has a huge following on Facebook, Twitter and Periscope. I encourage you to search for his name—John Eckhardt—on any of these social media platforms. You will be pleased to see how much content you find.

For those beginning writers who might otherwise self-publish, we have a department in our company that works with up-and-coming authors. It’s called Creation House, and its history dates back to 1972. Dr. Steve Greene leads this area and is always looking for potential authors. You may submit a manuscript to [email protected] or contact Creation House Acquisitions Editor Shawn Akers directly by calling 407-333-0600, ext. 2620, or by emailing him at [email protected].

This podcast will inspire many people who need to believe God to use them in the important area of writing. Share it with anyone you know who is a budding writer, and leave your comments below. {eoa}


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