Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

After the Republican Debate: Why This Isn’t Politics as Usual

Republican presidential candidates Texas Gov. Rick Perry, left, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, center, listen as Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, makes a point during a Fox News/Google debate Thursday, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Images/Phelan M. Ebenhack, Pool)

Republican presidential candidates Texas Gov. Rick Perry, left, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, center, listen as Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, makes a point during a Fox News/Google debate Thursday, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Images/Phelan M. Ebenhack, Pool)
It was interesting to attend the Republican presidential debate in
Orlando, Fla., last night as a member of the media. Charisma
doesn’t usually cover debates like this, and I wouldn’t have
attended had it not been in my hometown. It was broadcast live on Fox
News and, truth be told, I could’ve seen it better on TV at home.

Even though I took notes on what the candidates said, I knew my
readers either watched the debate or could read more extensive
articles elsewhere. The question I had to ask was: “Where is God in
all this? How does this affect the Spirit-filled community? And how
do I cover it in Charisma?”

The most interesting experience for me was after the debate when
Doug Wead, who is a “senior adviser” with candidate Ron Paul,
approached me in the “spin room” as hundreds of media people
milled around interviewing whoever they could find. I’ve known Doug
since I was a teenager. He’s been a political gadfly for years,
serving in various campaigns and once working in the White House for
George H.W. Bush as a liaison to the evangelical community. In that
role Doug arranged a couple of appointments for me with President
Bush. He also worked closely with the president’s son and had some
sort of falling out that resulted in his being persona non grata
later when George W. Bush became president.

Now Doug has resurfaced in the political world working for Ron
Paul, even though historically he has not been a libertarian. This is
after an unsuccessful campaign for Congress, a stint in Amway,
writing books and who knows what else.

Like me, Doug has a Pentecostal background, and over the years he
has told me many conspiracy theories about all the behind-the-scenes
things in politics where Pentecostals are marginalized or
persecuted—if not by the liberals, then by the non-charismatic
evangelicals. I find his theories interesting because some of what he
says is probably right—I just never know which part.

First, he told me about all the born-again Christians who now work
for Paul, as if that would make it easier for me to support Paul
(which I don’t). He said they like Paul’s libertarian stance of
keeping the government out of people’s lives, even though that
means things like giving Muslims the right to build a mosque at
Ground Zero. That’s because if the government can keep Muslims from
building a mosque, the government can prevent Christians from
building churches.

He also speculated about how the conservative Christian power
brokers are jockeying this political season to “have a seat at the
table.” I listened as Doug theorized that some of these
evangelicals are so anti-Pentecostal that they’ll refuse to back a
candidate like Michele Bachmann just because she graduated from Oral
Roberts University. He said they like having “their own candidate”
so they recruited Rick Perry, a former Methodist turned Southern
Baptist, to run for president.

I don’t necessarily agree with Doug’s assessment. But my own
involvement in former Gov. Mike Huckabee’s campaign in 2008 let me
see some of these dynamics at work. I’m glad Christians are getting
involved. For years Pentecostals were passive and quiet when it came
to politics. But with the direction our country is going, it’s not
just a political issue any more. There is a moral issue of getting
leaders into office who share our values and legislate and lead

Thankfully, good people are running for office. I believe George
W. Bush was a sincere evangelical, as we documented in a book we
published in 2003 called The Faith of George W. Bush. (Wead
tried to make me think last night that Bush only pretended to be an

The reason I supported Huckabee was because of his character, his
motivation to get this country on the right track and because he
seemed to appreciate support from Christians rather than take it for
granted, as many do. It wasn’t until evangelicals supported him
that he rose from being an asterisk in the polls to winning the
important Iowa Caucus in 2008. Alas, he lost that early momentum to
John McCain and as a result Barack Obama is in the White House today.

With Huckabee’s decision not to run I’m in a quandary of who
to support. I have my personal favorites, but that’s not
necessarily a reason to support someone—just because you like them.

Interestingly, the debate came about the same time we are
finishing a Charisma cover story for November called
“Pentecostals, Politics and a Crash Course That Could Change a
Nation.” John Stemberger, the attorney who led the campaign to put
a marriage amendment in the Florida constitution, is writing it. He
looks at many of these issues, including how politicians—especially
the left—attack any candidate who has a Pentecostal connection,
such as John Ashcroft, Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. It isn’t
your typical “political issue” and we don’t endorse anyone. But
I think you’ll find it interesting.

There is a battle for the soul of this nation that goes deeper
than just “politics.” Since America stands for freedom around the
world, what happens here has ramifications around the world. This
isn’t the place to discuss in depth the terrible condition of the
nation nor how President Obama seems to be leading in the wrong
direction. With him going down in the polls almost daily—even with
his core constituencies—it’s as if the country is waking up to
this. But it’s more than just replacing him with someone with a
more conservative approach to governing. There is a spiritual dynamic
involved. Remember, “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers” (Ephesians 6:12).

The Bible tells us to pray for righteous leaders who we can live a
peaceable life (See 1 Tim. 2:1-2). So my takeaway after being
immersed in the political world for a few hours: Pray! For all
intercessors, pray that God will give us leaders both in government,
business and in other areas, who will get this nation on the right

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