Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

7 Inspiring Leaders and the Traits That Made Them Great

John Maxwell

3. Constant growth. A leader must constantly grow. Of course, we know that healthy things grow. An organization can’t grow, however, unless it’s healthy and the leader is also growing. Change in this world is constant due to technology. In a culture that seems to be shifting beneath our feet, a leader must grow. 

One of the best people at personifying constant growth is Mike Huckabee—the son of an Arkansas fire fighter. Huckabee became a Baptist preacher and then got involved in politics because he was concerned about what the liberals in government were doing in his state. Through a series of events, he was elected lieutenant governor when Bill Clinton was elected president of the United States, and then became governor when Jim Guy Tucker was forced to step down due to the Whitewater scandal. He was elected two more times. If you read his books—and I’ve read them all—he tells how he had to constantly grow and change.

Finally, he ran for president and, like Barack Obama, surprised everyone when he won the Iowa caucus. He has one of the most successful television programs on Fox News. I enjoy watching him every weekend—it helps me keep in touch with what he’s doing, and I can see how he is still growing as a person, a leader and a spokesman for Christian values.

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