Should We Fast for a Great Awakening?

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and spoke a lengthy word to me about America. I have read over these words often over the years since then, and I’ve seen parts of this prophecy unfold. I am waiting for the ultimate fulfillment. I heard the Lord say:

“There is a Great Awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries and I long to heal your land … Only those things which can be shaken, will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare.

“Repentance. I require repentance from My people who have through the generations allowed the enemy to take ground in this nation. I require repentance for the abortions and for the prayerlessness. I require repentance for the apathy and for the idolatry. You shall have no other gods before me. I am indeed the God of America.

“Yes, there is a Great Awakening coming to this nation. I am the author of it, and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord, and I am a warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you, and with you to regain what has been lost.

“Be encouraged now because as you go forth boldly with My Word and My Spirit, there will be the sound of truth, and it will prevail in the land. Speak boldly and clearly and watch as the mighty men arise to take their positions on the wall and in the churches and in the marketplaces, for I am raising up deliverers and reformers in this generation who will not shrink back at the challenge that is coming in the days ahead.

“Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again. But the light has not been extinguished and will not be extinguished. The time to rise up is now. I am calling you to war. I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to My side. I am the Captain of the hosts. I am calling you to victory. I am calling you to destiny. Will you answer?”

Will you answer? Whether you live in America or some other nation, God has revival on His mind. He sent Jesus so that none would perish, but all would have eternal life through faith in His Son (see John 3:16). When we answer God’s call to repentance and to fasting, we are helping shape the history of our nations.

It’s Getting Darker

Many years after releasing this prophecy, we’re seeing the darkness increase. Keep in mind, when the Lord spoke these words to me I had no idea we even needed a Great Awakening. I was not a student of revival history. This was before the Great Recession in 2008. It was before immorality was legalized. It was before COVID. Clearly, we need a Great Awakening.

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