Prophetic Dream: The Unleashing of Jezebel’s Daughter

I was in a house that was unfamiliar to me. It wasn’t a large house, but it was crowded with people—overcrowded.

It was almost like a college party house where the living room was over capacity but nobody seemed to mind. Everyone was enjoying themselves, but I could not discern the occasion. I wasn’t sure what they were celebrating.

It was as if the Holy Spirit picked me up and transported me in the Spirit to a faraway place, into an event already in progress.

I kept on watching. In this congested home full of Christians, people were running to and fro, doing I do not know what. The entire house was buzzing with activity, almost as if they were preparing for something. I could not see the faces of these hectic herds.

It was if the Lord was purposely hiding the faces of the people, which I am sure represent a great number of others.

Watch Jennifer LeClaire unpack this dream here. {eoa}

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