Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Millennial Revivalist Tore Down Idols, Raised the Dead


The Holy Spirit called her into ministry with Matthew 10—Jesus gave His disciples authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.  The only problem is she was illiterate. When she heard Holy Spirit’s instruction she had to find someone to read her the words from the Bible.

Her name is Anna. Both her parents were dead when the Lord called her and she goes down in revival history as one of the most authoritative messengers of awakening in the 20th century. According Dr. Kurt Koch’s writings, Anna received four songs from the Lord—gospel messages that caused lost souls to come to Christ during the Revival at Timor.

“She is an excellent ‘home’ missionary, and as she goes from house to house, she asks the people to bring their idols out and to destroy them,” Koch writes in his book Revival in Indonesia. “She has the gift of prophecy, too, and is able to tell people to their faces what sins they have committed.”

Supernatural Manifestations

As Koch chronicles it, one day Anna met a blind woman. After leading her to the Lord, the Holy Spirit commanded Anna to pour water into the woman’s eyes so she could be healed. The woman was in fact healed. After that, Anna asked the Lord for the power to heal the blind and went on to heal 10 blind people in Jesus’ name after they confessed and repented of their sins.

“Once, when Anna met a person who was deaf, the Lord said to her, ‘Put your finger into his ear and pray with him.’ She obeyed and the man was immediately healed,” Koch writes. “On other occasions, she has even prayed for those who have died, although only if the Lord directly commanded her to do so. She never took the responsibility of the decision upon herself. Once, she was led to a two-year-old child who had died. After she had prayed for him, he was raised up just like Jairus’ daughter of so long ago.”

Koch tells the story of the Holy Spirit sending Anna to visit a minister’s home. His three children were always getting sick.

“In a vision prior to her visit, she was shown a two-edged sword. On arriving at the house she discovered that such a sword had in fact been in the house since the time of the Dutch, and that it had an occult history behind it,” Koch says. “She told the minister that the sword would have to be destroyed. Afterwards the children were completely healed.”

A Bold Ambassador for Christ

All of this was during the Revival in Timor in the 1960s. We need more Annas today. She was only 25 years old when the Lord called her. She couldn’t read or write—but she could listen and obey. She followed the Holy Spirit’s leading and the result was repentance, salvation, healings and miracles. She was bold enough, as Koch chronicled, even to talk to pastors and government officials about their sin. In 1968, as the story goes, government officials accepted Christ after her gospel message.

Yes, we need more Annas today, so why don’t we see them? I believe one reason is because repentance is lacking. I believe a second reason is because we don’t have the faith for it. I believe a third reason is because the church is so busy with programs that we sometimes fail to remain sensitive enough to Holy Spirit’s instructions to “put your finger into his ear and pray with him” or “pour some water into her eyes that she might be healed.”

The good news is I believe the Annas are ready to rise. I believe the remnant is ready to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and accept His assignments to preach the gospel, ask people to tear down their idols, deal with sin, cast out demons and heal all manner of sickness and disease. I believe an end-times army of prophetic messengers is being prepared even now. I believe we’re on the cusp of the next great move of God.

Believe with me! God is not done with America—or whichever nation you are from. God wants to bring revival. He wants to wake up His bride so they can sing His praises in the earth, lift up His Son, walk in supernatural power and glorify His name. God wants to break out. He wants to move in an unprecedented way. Let’s bring out our idols and destroy them, repent and believe the gospel!

Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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