Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

God Is Pouring Out Prophetic Visions in This Season

We need to keep a watch on what the Lord is saying to us.

In this hour of Christianity, God is looking for those who will stand watch, station themselves on the watchtower and keep watch to see what the Lord will say—and answer when they are reproved.

God is looking for those with a Habakkuk spirit who will not only see and hear, but record and proclaim—and keep proclaiming until the people’s ears and eyes open to what the Lord is saying and doing. Once, when Habakkuk stood on the wall, He heard the Lord say this:

“Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but it speaks of an end and does not lie. If it delays, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay” (Hab. 2:2-3).

LISTEN TO JENNIFER’S PODCAST ON THIS TOPIC: Contending for the Prophetic Vision.

A Remnant Rising With Clear Vision

This is a right-now word for the body of Christ. There is a remnant rising with a clear vision from the Lord. Not everyone will catch that vision, but we must continue to speak it forth. It’s not man’s vision, it’s God’s vision.

In Habakkuk 2:2, the Lord told the man of God to write the vision. God intended for the prophet to make a record of what he heard. This is important for the sake of accuracy. When God speaks, whether in a conference setting or your prayer closet or somewhere in between, we need to make every effort to record the utterance so we don’t miss a word of what God is saying—or inadvertently add to what He said.


It’s important to understand that this oft-cited verse is not talking about just any vision. According to the KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon, the word “vision” in that verse comes from the Hebrew word, chazown, which means vision (in ecstatic state); vision (in the night); vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication) and vision (as title of book of prophecy).

Clearly, we need to embrace the Lord’s vision. Unless the Lord builds the house—or the business or the family or anything else for that matter—they labor in vain who build it (Ps. 127:1). Maybe the Lord has given you prophetic vision for a project or for your life or maybe you are praying for a new vision. He’s pouring out new prophetic visions in this season.

Rocking Religious Mindsets

Because these prophetic visions will rock religious mindsets and shake the status quo, you’ll have to be determined to write them down, meditate on them day and night and, as Habakkuk 2:2 says, make it plain.

In other words, you need to rely on the Holy Spirit to interpret the vision rightly so that you can declare it clearly to those who are called to run alongside you in the vision. As Paul the apostle wrote, “If the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for the battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8).

Believe me, there’s going to be a war over the prophetic vision God gave you—or the vision God gave your leader—and if you aren’t clear, if it’s not plain, you won’t run with it or rise up and defend it from the enemy’s abortive plans. Prophecy always brings warfare because the devil is after the word.

Exercising Patience for the Prophetic Vision

God has given some of you prophetic blueprints and plans that seem unimaginable. Some of you have been plowing for a long while now and aren’t seeing the fruit you expected at this point in the journey. Take heart. Don’t give up.

Habakkuk 2:3 says the vision is for an appointed time. The Hebrew word for time in that verse is moade, which according to the KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon means “appointed time, sacred season, set feasted, appointed season, appointed meeting, appointed place and appointed sign or signal.”

When God gives you a prophetic vision, it’s inspiring. Waiting is the hard part. We must remember not to grow weary in well-doing because we’ll reap in due season if we don’t faint (Gal. 6:9). We must also remember that we inherit the promises of God through faith and patience (Heb. 6:12). And we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). And remember this:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish, but happy is he who keeps the teaching” (Prov. 19:18). The Hebrew word for “vision” in this verse is also “chazown.” It speaks to prophetic vision. Keep casting the prophetic vision confidently or the people will let go, let loose and ignore what God is saying—and so may you.

If you don’t give up, if you’re diligent to keep declaring the prophetic vision, it will come to pass in the kairos moment. God is not a man that He should lie or the son of man that He should repent. As the Lord told Habakkuk, “If it delays, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay.”

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