Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Discerning Demonic Creepers Slithering Into Your Thought Life

Don't let these demonic creepers slither into your thought life.

Paul warns us to cast down vain imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Put another way, we need to discern the demonic creepers that sneak into our thought life.

In this Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I got a word of knowledge that exposed many demonic creepers that work to rob the peace and joy of God from our hearts.

There are creepers named condemnation and creepers named guilt. There are creepers that remind you of the pain of the past and creepers that try to make you dread tomorrow.

We’re standing against the creepers today in Jesus’ name!

Be sure to watch the video and agree with the deliverance prayer!

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