22 Urgent Intercessory Prayers for 2022

Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Clearly, we didn’t heed the warning.

I prophesied again on New Year’s Eve 2021 that 2022 would be a replay if we don’t pray. Do we really want more death, disease, inflation and more?

As we go deeper into the end times, we must be people of prayer. We must obey the Lord’s command to watch and pray.

With that, here are 22 urgent intercessory prayers for 2021:

  1. Pray for unity in the church. The church remains divided on many things. This is not new but it sems to be growing worse. You can get a number of additional prayer points on this theme here.
  1. Pray for a cleansing in the prophetic movement. We’re still seeing a lot of unfortunate prophecies about the 2020 presidential election. We’re still seeing significant error in the prophetic movement. This has been a long time coming. In fact, I prophesied about a prophetic showdown 20 years ago and wrote about this extensively in my book, Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft
  2. Pray for protection over your nation. The enemy is raging in the nations. Take responsibility for your nation. You have authority there as one with boots on the ground and a connection to the land.
  3. Pray for an end to the pandemic. A vaccine does not make the world’s woes go away. We need to pray for divine intervention, and also be aware that there are more viruses that will be released in the earth in the coming years. Part of this is just end-times prophecy in Matthew 24 playing out.
  4. Pray for the gospel to run swiftly in the nations. This is the will of God, for the gospel to be preached to all nations.

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