Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Do you need a breakthrough in your life? Are you praying for God to bring a change in your health, relationships, finances or any other area?

Change is good, especially when it comes to pursuing a closer walk with God and fulfilling His plans for your life. But if you’re stuck, wondering what the problem is, there are things you can do to begin moving forward toward your breakthrough.

The first thing we should always do is pray, but we also need to be willing to listen to what God speaks to our hearts and then do what He shows us to do. Prayer is not just about getting God to do everything for us.

We’re partners with God; we have a part to do, and He has a part to do. He will always be faithful to do His part—the part we can’t do—but He won’t do our part.

Ephesians 6:13b (AMP) says that when we’ve “done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place].” This verse says to do everything we can “that the crisis demands” and then we “stand,” waiting on God to do what we cannot do. That’s the first key to getting your breakthrough.

God wants us to work with Him, which means we have a responsibility to do what He shows us to do. When we give our heart to Christ and make Him the Lord of our life, the Holy Spirit comes to live in our spirit.

He speaks to us through His Word and by His still, small voice in our heart. You know He’s speaking when you have a thought that really resonates in your heart. It’s the kind of thought that won’t go away … and you just know it’s something you must do.

For example, let’s say you were rude to someone, and God shows you that you need to apologize. You have to humble yourself, take responsibility for what you’ve done wrong and ask for forgiveness.

It’s not easy, and it doesn’t feel good, but after you do it, that’s when you experience freedom from the burden of guilt.

In John 8:31b-32 (NIV), Jesus says, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” It’s not just hearing the truth that sets us free, it’s obeying the truth!

We have to stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for our part of the problem. I remember my list of excuses: “I’m this way because my dad sexually abused me and my mother abandoned me; she knew what he was doing and didn’t help me. I’m this way because my first husband was a con man, a petty thief and he ran around with other women!” I also remember when God spoke to my heart and said, “That’s why you are the way you are. But don’t let it be an excuse to stay that way.”

It wasn’t easy, and my life didn’t completely change overnight. But as I began taking responsibility for my wrong attitudes and behavior, God gave me His grace—His strength and ability—to do what I could never do in my own strength and effort.

And He did the part that I couldn’t do, healing and restoring my soul, and giving me the life Jesus died to give me (John 10:10; Rom. 14:17).

I want to encourage you to have a meeting with yourself. Take some time to examine your heart and where you are in your life.

Ask yourself, “What am I doing with my life? Where am I headed based on what I’m doing right now? Do I really want to end up in the direction I’m headed, or do I want to make some changes now?”

If you need a breakthrough, and you’re ready to get your life headed in the right direction, start doing what you need to do. Pray, sincerely asking God to reveal the truth you need to see about yourself and your situation.

Trust Him to give you the grace to take a step of faith and do your part. God will set you free as you face the truth.

He’ll bring your breakthrough as you partner with Him in the process.

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