Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Take Your God-Given Vision From a Dream to Reality


It never ceases to amaze me what God will do through someone when they have the boldness to step out in faith and walk out the vision He’s given them for their life. God wants every one of us to have a dream for our lives. The question is: What is your dream? Are you expecting something big? Are you expecting God to fulfill your dreams and visions for the future?

When we are expecting something great for our future, we are essentially “pregnant” with potential to see what we hope for come to pass. Just like a natural pregnancy, there is a gestation period—a time period when your vision is shaped, structured and developed. Once that vision reaches full maturity, there is a birthing process—and that’s when the hardest work begins! But how we go from the “expecting” phase to the birth phase is what determines if our vision survives and thrives. Understanding the process is key to having success and bringing your dream to fulfillment.

Conceiving Your Dream

A birth always begins with conception. If you can’t conceive that God can and wants to do something amazing with your life, you will never take the first step toward a better life than what you have now. You must believe what God has for you. The promises of God are for everyone who puts their trust in Him and follows His wisdom. In Matthew 8:13 (AMP), Jesus says, “It shall be done for you as you have believed.”

The best thing you can do is keep your focus on God—how great He is and what He can do. He will always give you the ability to do what He’s leading you to do. It doesn’t matter what your disadvantages are, what you have or don’t have. In Christ, we all have an equal opportunity, and we are on a level playing field. We just need to understand that we will have to go through some things to be prepared for our dream to come to pass.

A Season of Change

When you’re pregnant with a dream and God is preparing you for something, you change. It’s a time when God has a part and you have a part in bringing your vision to pass. God partners with you so your relationship with Him grows stronger during the process.

When God planted the dream for this ministry in my heart, everything began to change. All of my priorities, plans and focus had to change. Ecclesiastes 5:3 (AMP) says, “A dream comes with much business and painful effort … .” In other words, you have to be willing to put forth the effort to do what God is showing you to do, and it isn’t always easy. But when you’re determined to trust God, believe in the dream He’s put in your heart and not give up, He will be faithful to give you everything you need to succeed.

Psalm 27:13 (AMP) says: “[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living?” When you’re in this season of preparation, you may begin to feel like it’s taking longer than you thought it would, it’s harder than you expected it would be, and it’s costing more than you ever thought you would have to pay. That’s the time when you need to choose to walk by faith, trusting God even though you don’t understand everything, so He can do the work that needs to be done in you.

And then one day, when God says it’s the right time and you’re ready, you will give birth to your dream.

The Birth Process

Remember Ecclesiastes 5:3, which says, “A dream comes with much business and painful effort….” The most painful stage happens right before birth. This is known as “transition”, and it can be excruciating. The doctor announces, “You’re in transition” as if its good news! Then you’re told not to push, but when you can’t stand one more minute of pain, that’s when the doctor says, “PUSH!” At that time, if you bear down and refuse give up, it isn’t long before the baby is born.

In the birthing process for your vision, God tells you not to push in your own strength or wisdom, but to wait until it’s time to push by His grace, strength and wisdom. Then, through a great deal of prayer, faith and determination, something miraculous happens. The very thing that caused you the most agony becomes the catalyst to bring your vision into existence. And that experience brings amazing joy!

John 16:21 tells us that a woman goes through the pain of birth, but once the baby comes, she forgets her pain because she experiences JOY that her child is born. So hold on to your dreams and visions. Be encouraged—and never, ever give up!

Joyce Meyer is a New York Times best-selling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc. She has authored 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Living Courageously (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit

Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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