God’s Perfect Plan

God has designed and set into action a plan specifically engineered for our lives.
God has a plan for your life!” We’ve all been in services at which we’ve heard preachers say those words. But have we really been able to grasp this supernatural concept and what it means for us personally? It is so important for us as Christians to realize that God not only is holding everything together but also has a perfect plan designed specifically for each one of us.

I’m not sure most of us truly believe that—at least, our lives don’t reflect that we believe it. Maybe it’s the word “perfect” that troubles us. We make so many mistakes. We know ourselves all too well, and for most of us, perfection isn’t even remotely involved.

Many times it’s all we can do to make it through our days. Just thinking about anything being truly perfect looks impossible. Guess what? It is!

The plan isn’t perfect because we’re perfect. The plan is perfect because God is the One who designed it. The perfection comes from Him and Him alone. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He has designed and set into action a plan specifically engineered for our lives.

Let’s think about the plan for a moment. Paul tells us in Philippians 1:6 that God saved us and started a good work in us. That work will come to full completion, Paul goes on to say. The Holy Spirit is with us, nudging us forward in that process. Paul also says in Ephesians 2:10 that we are God’s handiwork (or workmanship).

As we think about God at work in us, we must remind ourselves that as imperfect as we are, God is perfection. Nothing we can ever do will be good enough to satisfy God’s perfection. Only Jesus, the Perfect One, is good enough. Our faith in Him—and nothing else—makes us acceptable to God.

The apostle goes on to say that we are saved through Jesus Christ so we can do good works. God has prepared us for the kind of life He wants us to live. His Word makes it clear how that life works.

It’s not that we’ve achieved perfection or that we will achieve it in the future. The point is that God is perfect and has a plan for us. The plan for our lives is perfect because it comes from the Perfect Planner. Our part in this equation is to walk in obedience according to the plan He has laid out for us, submitting ourselves to His will every single day—keeping our eyes on Him and His ability, not on ourselves and our disabilities.

As soon as we say, “But wait! I know me; I’m not perfect,” we have taken our attention off God and allowed Satan to distract us by thinking things we shouldn’t be thinking—all based on lies. In His loving and patient way, God pleads with us to turn our minds and hearts fully over to Him—to yield ourselves to His perfect plan.

We need to live as did Joshua, to whom God said: “This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success” (Josh. 1:8, The Amplified Bible).

We must trust our perfect God to help us in this battle for our minds. Satan constantly reminds us of our imperfections and the chaos of our lives, but when we ask our Father to remind us of His perfection, His love and His closeness so that we can walk in victory, He will answer. Why? Because we’re trusting Him to be everything that we are not and cannot be without Him.

I have discovered during my years of serving God that when I assume the lead position and try to be God, I continually struggle. But when I let God be God, even the things I don’t understand have a way of working out all right in the end.

Choose to place your trust in God to work out His perfect plan for your life. It requires greater faith, but the dividends it pays are outstanding.

Joyce Meyer is an internationally recognized minister and author of more than 60 books, including the best- sellers Beauty for Ashes and Battlefield of the Mind, and her most recent, Approval Addiction (all Warner Faith). She is the founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc. and the host of Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide.

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