Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Matt Sorger

Matt Sorger
Several themes and Scriptures for 2010 have been highlighted to me by the Holy Spirit recently as I have waited on the Lord. I believe we are entering into a crucial time, and I have some wonderful prophetic encouragements to share as well as some urgent prophetic warnings concerning the year ahead. As we meditate on God’s promises and the following Scriptures, I believe 2010 will be a year of great fruitfulness in our lives!

1. Seven key words for 2010 are: fruit, rain, righteousness, harvest, overflow, restoration and provision (see Joel 2:22-26).

  • Fruit: In 2010 Jesus is really looking for fruit. God desires to make His people strong and fruitful.Gifts are not enough. It’s by the fruit of the Spirit that we will be known.

    There will be a strong focus on developing spiritual character, maturity and fruitfulness in 2010. You will discern true disciples by their fruit, not their gifts (see Joel 2:22; Matt. 7:13-27; Matt. 21:18-19; John 15:2-8,16).

  • Rain, righteousness and harvest: The rain of God’s glory will come in righteousness, enabling [us to reap] a great harvest. The former rain is the autumn rain that comes for planting seeds. It softens the ground so seeds can be planted. The latter rain comes to ripen the fruit for harvest. God is sending His rain so that we will be able not only to plant good seeds but also to reap the harvest from those seeds. It will be harvest time for many!

    As we plant the seed of God’s word into our hearts the Holy Spirit will cause an abundant harvest of fruitfulness to spring forth. God will rain down in righteousness on His people and will cause seeds that have been planted to come to full maturity and harvest. God is bringing His people to a place of maturity.

    The threshing floors will be full of grain, signifying a great harvest. This will include a harvest of lost souls as well as a harvest of God’s promises. The key is that the rain comes in righteousness. The word for righteousness can also be translated in Hebrew “teacher for righteousness.” The moving of the Holy Spirit is coming with teachings for righteousness in 2010 (see Joel 2:23-24).

  • Overflow: There will be a great overflow of God’s anointing (wine and oil) in our lives. We will have more than enough. God’s anointing will so overflow that not only will we be able to live victoriously ourselves, but we will also have enough anointing to minister to others (see Joel 2:24).
  • Restoration and provision: Years that were lost will be restored. God’s people will experience great restoration in their lives this year. The prerequisite for this restoration is a full turning of the heart toward God. When hearts turn to the Lord, lost years will be restored as God deals wondrously with His people. What was lost over years will be restored in one year.

    With restoration, God’s people will walk in supernatural provision. They will not need to run to the world for help. Rather, the world will run to the church for help (see Joel 2:12-14,25-26; Prov 6:31).

2. Preachers of righteousness will emerge under a strong anointing. These preachers will be full of truth and righteousness. They will walk with God in a special way and turn many from iniquity. They will be true messengers of God. There will be a strong contrast between those who preach out of righteousness and those who preach from an unrighteous lifestyle. Unrighteous preaching will cause people to stumble.

“The law of truth was in [Levi’s] mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness and turned many away from iniquity.

“For the priest’s lips should guard and keep pure the knowledge [of My law], and the people should seek (inquire for and require) instruction at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.

“But you have turned aside out of the way; you have caused many to stumble by your instruction [in the law]; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi [with Me], says the Lord of hosts” (Mal. 2:6-8, The Amplified Bible).

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