Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Vision: Don’t Be Afraid to Shoot Your Prophetic Arrow

I recently had a prophetic vision in a time of prayer that I knew I needed to share with the body of Christ.

In the vision, I was at an outdoor archery range. The sky and the area in front of me were both cloudy and covered in fog. Then a large, majestic archer walked up beside me. He had a beautiful bow and arrow in his hands. He released one of his arrows into the fog and it shot quickly through the air. It pierced through the fog and left a hole that you could see straight through.

As the vision continued, the fog began to clear and the cloud cover started to part. As it did, you could see exactly where the archer had released his arrow and had perfectly hit his target.

Several days later, the Lord reminded me of the vision and began to speak to me about it. There are many people who have been walking with God who are armed and walking in the authority God has given to them. However, they are afraid to release what God has given them.

You may be afraid to shoot your prophetic arrow but it is time for you to release it. In this hour, you must release your prayers, declarations and decrees like arrows into the fog and expect to hit your target even if you can’t see it yet.

Like the archer in the vision, you may not be able to see through the fog in front of you but now is the time to aim your prophetic arrows straight into the unknown and trust that you will hit your mark. If you are waiting for the perfect circumstances or to have perfect clarity before you step out, you will miss your time to aim and shoot. Begin to release those prophetic arrows of prayers, declarations and decrees in the direction God is leading you. Release them in faith and watch the things that God has promised you start to manifest in your life.

Now is the season to pray big and bold prayers. Intercessors, get back up on the wall and release your prophetic arrows of intercession. You are about to break through and see your prayers answered. God hears His sons and daughters. He hears our cry for Him to move and He is going to respond. However, He is waiting for us to release those prophetic arrows in faith. God is looking for those like the archer in my vision, who will release what is in their hands before they can see in the natural. This is the season to walk by faith and not by sight. Step out and go for whatever God has called you to do even if it doesn’t make sense yet in the natural.

This is my charge to you in this season: your words are prophetic arrows. Aim your prayers and declarations in the direction you know you are called to go in and see God guide your arrows to hit their mark! Step out in faith and see what God will do with your willingness to move forward in blind faith. Release your prophetic arrows and they will hit their target! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. He is a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call God has placed on them.

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