Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Barbara Wentroble

Charles Finney, known as the Father of Modern Revivalism, was a pioneer who was willing to blaze new trails and establish new mindsets. After a dramatic conversion and baptism in the Holy Spirit, he followed a path that was nothing short of remarkable. His career included international fame as a revivalist, professor and president of a unique educational institution, Oberlin College, and as an advocate and defender of a controversial Christian doctrine. His ideas about conversion, evangelism and personal holiness helped reshape Christian thought.

Church rolls greatly increased in the wake of Finney’s revivals. History shows that Rochester, New York, was dramatically transformed by his influence during 1830-31 in what has been called the greatest year of spiritual awakening in American history. Shops were closed so people could attend his meetings. Town taverns went out of business due to the change in people’s hearts. Winds of change were blowing hard during Finney’s day. Yet he dared to grasp the moment, roll up his sleeves and fight for change from old mindsets.

Just as in the days of Finney, we are sensing strong winds of change blowing throughout the world. The struggles and difficulties around us are preparing us for a greater release of God’s glory. A great company of people is being prepared to advance the kingdom of God. And we know that “our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:17-18, NKJV).

One mindset that is being changed in the church today deals with man’s responsibility in the earth. Religious tradition tells us that God is sovereign and will do whatever He wants done in the earth. But the church is waking up to the fact that though God occasionally performs sovereign interruptions on the earth, and some of these interruptions include answers to prayer, miracles, signs and wonders, He has put mankind on the earth to take care of the world.

In fact, the Bible tells us, “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth'” (Gen. 1:28, NKJV).” You and I have a responsibility to bring change into the earth!

What does all this mean to you and me during the season of transition into our destiny? It means:

  • The Lord is going to give His people an ability to see beyond the floodwaters of the present situation and to be able to see the path into the new season
  • There is a creativity that will be unlocked in you to discover new resources for the new season
  • God has put the church on the earth to manage the earth for Him
  • God has put people in every mountain (area) of society who will bring change to that mountain using biblical principles
  • The Lord is transitioning His people from an old mindset of escapism to a more biblical mindset of occupying until he comes.

As in the days of Finney, the old, strong winds of change are blowing! Harold R. Eberle, in his book, Christianity Unshackled, says that Christianity is now the most influential force of humanity in the world. Reported statistics indicate that more than a million people per week are becoming Christians! In the midst of difficulties and struggles, God is raising up reformers and pioneers who will blaze new trails for this new season.

In the days ahead, there will be good days and there will be bad days. Yet as God’s people, we must not stop along the way. The only way to lose is to quit! Make a decision that you will never quit. You will persevere! The kingdom of God is advancing. You are crossing over into a new season to possess the promise of the Lord for your life. Grasp the moment and move forward!

About the author: Barbara Wentroble is a gifted apostolic and prophetic minister and the founder of International Breakthrough Ministries and Breakthrough Business Network ( She has written several books, including Praying With Authority and Rise to Your Destiny, and lives in Irving, Texas, with her husband, Dale.

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