The Nation Called by God’s Name

But now the fear of missing My best for you will cause an overcoming of all previous fear. My love and purpose for you will propel you through all hurts and setbacks as the journey forward continues to unfold.

My glory that has been concealed in you will be revealed to you and through you in transformational ways. Atmospheres will change because of My glory. Where you go, I go, and where I go, you go. Circumstances and natural elements will bow to My supernatural substance. My eternal seed in you will reap an eternal harvest, and that harvest is both here and approaching.

The seed in you cannot die but can only be delayed for maturity. Maturity will surely come as those hindrances are exposed and removed. Live daily in the inheritance of My Kingdom. Let me take you where I will, and I will do what only I can do to fulfill everything I have planned for you in the days ahead.

You are that nation of kings and priests. This is beyond your nation, as it is about My nation of people of every nation, race and creed. You are born from above, and you are the ambassadors of My love to a world in need of Me.

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