Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Breath of His Spirit is Blowing! You Will Burn Again

I am re-releasing this word that I originally released two years ago today, as I believe it is even more of a NOW word! I have said before that much of what I was releasing two to three years ago has been even more relevant now.
For those who have felt the “web of witchcraft” that I spoke of last week, this is for you!
I believe the enemy has been able to somewhat delay this for quite a few of God’s people but if we believe, position ourselves and allow the Spirit of God to fill us afresh, I BELIEVE WE WILL BEGIN TO SEE SOME OF THIS MANIFEST EVEN BEFORE THIS YEAR IS OVER! Even in the midst of the craziness of the end of this year, many of us will experience Him blowing on us in new and fresh ways … that we will experience “the best of times,” even among the “worst of times” around us!!
The Breath of His Spirit is Blowing!!
During worship at the conference this week, a part of one of the “prophetic songs” they began to sing was about the wind blowing in “wave after wave.” I knew it was part of what the Lord was speaking for this season, especially now through January…and then in new ways going forward into the new year and beyond.
As the worship continued, and I prayed in the Spirit, I began to hear the wind blowing and I began to see in my spirit a form or “Person” that I knew was the Spirit of God, although I could not make out His details. He was encased in light and power and was moving rapidly among His people.
I saw the Spirit blowing away the old cobwebs of this past season(s) and blowing fresh wind into the sails of His people … filling them afresh! This is especially for those who have been actively seeking a fresh touch from Him, a fresh infilling from Him. Those who have said, “Lord, I need a fresh touch from you … I need Your Spirit to fill me once again!”
He is coming, even now in this season, to fill you again and in an even more powerful way with His breath and His presence! Keep pushing into and seeking all He has for you in this season!
I saw the wind of the Spirit. As He began to blow, it blew out the fog that many have been engulfed in for some time. The enemy has had many in a sort of fog, and some were even incapacitated by it at times and unable to move forward very far with what the Lord had for them. This fog that caused unclarity of thought, purpose and even which way to go was being blown away by the very wind and breath of God!
I saw many of God’s remnant being refreshed, as the wind of His Spirit fills them again. There is much refreshing that has been greatly needed in this fresh wind of His breath blowing upon His people!
If you will allow Him to fill you with His breath again during this season, you will go into this new season with a great refreshing, a new ability to see clearly all that He has for you in this new era!
I also saw the Spirit breathing again on the dry bones, just as in Ezekiel, and I saw many who have been “dead” or even asleep being activated and alive again! There is an awakening of His Spirit that is happening even now and will intensify in the next several months!
To confirm what the Lord had shown me during the conference earlier, on the last night, as we walked out of the building, a fierce wind was blowing through and it was very cutting and intense. I knew this was showing in the natural what was happening in the spiritual!
I said, “Holy Spirit, blow again and fill us with Your breath! Fill our sails that we can move freely with You again without the hindrances, without the fog or the cobwebs! We receive Your breath, Your powerful wind, blowing on us once again, filling us and propelling us into all that You have for us in this season!
“Breathe upon us, breath of God!
“You will burn again!
“Something else I saw was the Holy Spirit bending down and blowing on fiery embers to ignite them again! Many have fires within them that are still there but have diminished in intensity and thrust, but the Spirit is blowing on those embers to ignite them once again.”
Here is the link to the full word on my site. {eoa}
Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband Darin. She is a prophetic minister who heard the Lord’s call from a very young age. Along with her calling as a prophetess, Amanda also flows in a powerful worship and healing anointing and is a gifted teacher and writer as well. Although she loves all aspects of the ministry that God has called her to, her personal passion is to see reformation come to the body of Christ and the current prophetic movement. Over a 10-year period, Amanda received overall training in biblical studies, with extensive training in prophecy, spiritual warfare, Hebraic roots, healing and supernatural ministry, at various ministry schools. Amanda and Darin are both apostolically aligned with and ordained through Federation of Ministers & Churches International (FMCI), under the apostolic leadership of Apostle Jim Hodges. They currently reside near Dallas, Texas.
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