Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Strategies for a Season of Crisis

Chuck D. Pierce

But the real warfare is over our prospering in a changing world. Prosperity occurs when we enter into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. Just as God promised Abraham, He begins to bring us to our land. When we submit to His plan of prosperity for our lives, He cleanses us from all idolatry and unfaithful ways.

This submission causes hearts of stone to be replaced with hearts of flesh (a tender heart to hear God). He places His Spirit within us. He then opens doors that are linked to abundance—not just worldly abundance, but abundance of revelation to understand who God our Creator is, through His Son, as well as who we are. He blesses the works of our hands. He fills us with revelation. He gives us each a boundary and says, “Take dominion! The war is over your taking dominion!”

You can prosper on every front! Be like Nehemiah. In his day, Nehemiah saw Jerusalem in ruins and began to rebuild walls, restore gates, hang doors and ready the place for a new move of worship. Here are some keys for your victory ahead. You need to know:

  • How to enter the new season and think differently
  • How to see and open your eyes to a greater demonic realm and stay in faith
  • How to hear the Spirit of God and allow your gift to manifest in a new way
  • How to co-labor with angels and ministering spirits
  • How to receive your new assignment and enter your new mission field
  • How to get into the next move of God
  • How to express joy in a new way
  • How to gain new vision and see your provision
  • How to have a renewed mind and a restored, alive human spirit filled with the Holy Spirit
  • How to understand the enemy’s vexing power. Mammon is motivating many to give up and make wrong decisions. Stand firm.

The term “mammon” predominantly signifies riches and wealth, but as Colin Brown, in The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, points out, “Material wealth can be personified as a demonic power, Mammon.” When our stewardship of wealth does not align with God’s purpose and plan, we open ourselves to demonic activity.

Covetousness can lead us away from God and encourage us to trust in our material possessions. When we turn our trust from God to money, we place ourselves in submission to a new master. Jack Hayford, in Hayford’s Bible Handbook, explains: “Jesus said that no one can serve two masters—God and money—at the same time, and makes Mammon a potential ‘master.'” When we attempt to serve both God and Mammon, instability and double-mindedness is produced within us. Mammon should be recognized as a god when it leads us into worship of material possessions.

Mammon is deceptive and will lead you into presumption. You will hear a voice that sounds like God, like light, or like good religion. This voice will attempt to change your priority in giving. This voice will attempt to convince you that there is no appeal to God in prayer—the only option is to give in to your circumstance.

To overcome this spirit, you must operate by the Spirit and not by your own understanding. You must find new creative ways of giving.

Refuse choices that activate curses. Do not allow your mouth to sin. Wait for your strategy to overcome, and do not engage until you have a confident strategy. One small word will fell this enemy. Do not be intimidated by him.

About the author: Chuck D. Pierce is the president of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas (gloryofzion.org). He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting and has been used by God to mobilize prayer throughout the world. Pierce is also the author of many books, including his two most recent, Interpreting the Times and Redeeming the Time (both Charisma House). For more information about his ministry or to purchase resources, go to his Web site. The material in this e-newsletter is adapted from a message titled Increased Warfare! Be Strong in This War With Mammon! that was distributed May 4 by Glory of Zion and is used by permission.

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