Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Shout ‘Grace!” to Your Mountains

For the Lord says, “My faithful and righteous ones have [unknowingly] stored up for themselves multiplied riches in glory. For years they have sown—love to the unlovely, food for the hungry, intercession for the lost, mercy to the dying, kindness to the stranger, prayer for the saints and seed for My harvest. Through past seasons of plenty these righteous have not required My miraculous intervention.

“Now the tide has turned, famine quickly approaches, and multiplied need shall soon overtake the land. Yet, even as Joseph prepared storehouses of provision, so the righteous have secured for themselves bountiful treasures in glory.

“Shout ‘Grace!’ to the mountain of debt, and you shall see My provision in the midst of famine. Shout ‘Grace!’ to the mountain of chaos, and you shall experience My peace in the midst of confusion. Shout ‘Grace!’ to the mountain of fear, and you shall experience the victory of faith in the presence of doubters and cynics. Shout ‘Grace!’ to the mountain of iniquity, and you shall experience a mighty deliverance. Shout ‘Grace!’ to the mountain of disease, and your health shall spring forth speedily.

“But it shall be neither by your might nor by your power, but by My Spirit that I will open the windows of heaven to pour out upon you blessings so great that you will not have room enough to receive them.

“Your due season has come, so ask and ask largely. Shout ‘Grace!’ and shout it loudly. For the wealth that the wicked have stored up for themselves shall be released to My righteous ones for My righteous purposes.

“By faith you shall release My grace and the bounty of heaven, and I shall overwhelm and amaze you at My provision in this new season—your due season. For while there is famine in the land, there shall be abundance in My house for the faithful.”

“For I am pouring out My abundant grace upon the righteous as a living, undeniable testimony of My everlasting covenant of love. For this will not only inspire the complacent among you but also provoke to jealousy those outside My covenant. In search of deliverance from this time of multiplied need, many shall seek you out.

They shall find Me through the word of your … testimony [regarding] My abundant grace. For through your testimony I will cast My net in the midst of a great storm and harvest a multitude into My kingdom for My glory. For My goodness shall lead them to repentance. Therefore, shout ‘Grace!” from the rooftops, for the time is short,” says the Lord.

About the author: Rob Winters is president and co-founder of Prepare the Way International, an itinerant prophetic ministry based in Phoenix, Arizona. Prepare the Way’s mission is to ignite a spiritual revolution and reformation in America through preaching repentance, prophesying restoration and promoting revival. This mission is embodied in Rob’s latest book, The Elisha Commission: Turning the Heart of America Back to God, which can be ordered at


Prophetic Insight is a weekly bulletin offering timely and relevant messages for the body of Christ from recognized prophetic voices. It is prepared by Maureen Eha, features editor for Charisma magazine. You can follow her on Twitter at MaureenEha. And please spread the good news by sending this e-newsletter to your friends and encouraging them to subscribe.

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