Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Your Discernment Will Grow as God Stretches You

Recently in a time of prayer, the Lord began to speak to me. As the Lord spoke, I could feel myself being stretched by Him.

The only way I know how to describe it to you is to call it “The God Stretch.” I believe that in this season, and for the rest of 2020, many will be in the God Stretch.

Many times we pray desperately for increase, breakthrough and for God to move mightily in our lives. However, when those prayers are answered we often find ourselves being stretched and challenged in order to steward the answers to our prayers. Anytime God calls us to do something or step into something, there is a preparation process that takes place. Part of that process is the God Stretch. In order to fully step into our destiny, we must step outside of our comfort zone and allow the Lord to stretch us.

During this season, be very specific about how and what you pray. This is not the time to pray aimlessly out of your own desires or with your natural thinking. This is a season to lean in. Lean in to hear and see what God is saying and what He is about to do. Once we’ve heard from the Lord, then we can target our prayers towards the future. With targeted and specific prayers, we will find ourselves stretched and prepared for what will come next.

As God stretches us, our discernment will grow. In the God Stretch, we will learn what is authentic and what is manufactured. As God stretches you, you will be able to stay focused on what God has called you specifically to do instead of being led astray by unnecessary distractions. In the middle of the God Stretch, you will find yourself able to focus more clearly, free of distractions. Then you will be able to accelerate with God.

God is calling many out of complacency and comfort in order to prepare and stretch them for the next season. You will be stretched in your ministry, business, family, relationships and everything you do. God may reprioritize how you spend your time and who you spend your time with during the God Stretch. God will stretch you to reconcile and be the bridge with others. There are some conversations that need to be had and relationships that need to be restored. This will be a stretch for you, but be obedient to do it.

God will stretch us in certain areas in order to humble us. God can do anything with someone who has been stretched and humbled in the process! In areas where the flesh is weak; He will stretch us in order to strengthen us. Every time God stretches us, it will make us stronger. The God Stretch is upon us; allow the Lord to stretch you now so you can step into whatever He has for you in the next season! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson, and the Dawson’s teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening.

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